Sunday, January 29, 2023

Inspiring Others Through Adversity

Life can be challenging, but it is through these difficulties that we can find our inner strength and the power to inspire others. It is a well-known fact that our actions, both positive and negative, have a significant impact on the people around us. Thus, it is important to strive to be a source of inspiration and encouragement to those around us, especially in tough times.

When we face adversity, we have two options: we can give up or we can fight. It is in these moments that we must summon all our inner strength and determination to overcome the obstacles in our path. By persevering through adversity and overcoming our challenges, we not only become stronger but also inspire others to do the same.

For instance, when we see someone who has overcome a significant hardship, such as a health challenge, a career setback, or a personal loss, we are often inspired by their resilience and determination. Their courage and strength in the face of adversity are contagious, and it serves as a reminder that we too can overcome our difficulties.

When we are strong and resilient, we send a powerful message to those around us, especially to those who may be struggling. Our strength and determination serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement, showing others that they too can overcome their challenges. Our example can be a beacon of hope and a source of motivation for others to keep going, even when the road ahead seems difficult.

By being strong and persevering through adversity, we not only become better versions of ourselves, but we also have the power to inspire and encourage others. So, be strong, for you never know who you are inspiring. Your strength and determination may be just the encouragement someone else needs to keep going, even in the toughest of times.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Crashing Waves

The sea crashes against the shore,
A constant reminder of what came before.,
Memories of a life now lost,
A self I yearn to regain at any cost.

The waves crash in with such force
A reflection of inner turmoil and remorse.
The person that I used to be,
Now, just a distant memory.

I long to feel the salt on my skin,
To embrace the freedom that once within,
But the crashing waves remind me,
Of a past, that will forever be.

I stand here on the shore,
Watching the waves come and go,
Wondering what happened to the person
That whom, I used to know.

The waves crash in with such power,
Reminding me of my every hour,
Of laughter and love, hope and dreams,
Of all that once seemed.

But now, they only bring me pain,
The person I was before is not the same,
Lost in a sea of confusion and doubt,
I scream and shout.

Why did I let myself slip away?
Why did I lose sight of who I wanted to be?
But the crashing waves remind me,
That I still have the chance to set myself free.

So I stand here on the shore,
Longing for what came before,
But determined to find,
The person I left behind.

The sea may crash, and the winds may howl,
But I will not let my spirit cower,
For the crashing waves may bring me pain,
But they also help the opportunity to regain.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Brownout? Brownout.

Himbing ng tulog ay biglang naputol
Panaginip kong langit na aking hinahabol
Nawala, naglaho nang ako'y nangatol
Namatay ang electric, SHET, power interruption.

Lakas maka-avatar nitong aming kuryente.
Biglang nawawala tuwing ikaw ay kumportable.
Sa iyong pagtulog tiyak na mapupukaw.
Sa init na dala ng pagkawala nitong kuryente.

Pumutok, sumabog karaniwang dahilan.
Linyang naputol dinaig pa ang pagmamahalan.
Nanigas, nakuryente, inosenteng ibon.
Nako, talaga, nakakainis, ako'y bumangon.

Traveling Limbo

The students sit in silence, pens in hand
Their eyes fixed on the test, their progress in the balance
The clock ticks on, the pressure mounts
As they struggle to recall what they've learned this quarter

They've studied hard, and they've stayed up late
They've done their best to prepare, not procrastinate
But now it's time to put their knowledge to the test
To see if all their hard work has been for the best

The questions come, some easy, some hard
They scribble down their answers, their thoughts a jumbled card
They second guess, they hesitate
But they push on, determined to show their grasp

For this exam is just a measure, a check on their way
To the future, they dream of, where they'll have their say
So they sit and they write, they read and they think
And they hope that when they're done, their progress will not shrink

The exam is a test, but it's not the end
It's a step on the journey, a means to an end
And the students will rise, they'll pass and they'll thrive
For they are the future, and they'll always strive to improve.

The Epilogue
As the students put down their pens and the exam comes to an end,
They look back on the questions, their thoughts, and their trends.
They may have felt the pressure, the uncertainty of the test,
But now it's over, and they can take a rest.

They'll wait for the results, the measure of their progress,
But regardless of the outcome, they've done their best.
For the exam is just a step, a moment in time,
On the journey of their lives, in their quest to climb.

They'll look back on this moment, with a mix of pride and fear
For the journey's not over, and there's still much to come, to hear.
But they'll remember that they've made it through this test,
And they'll be ready for the next, they'll do their best.

For the road ahead is long and winding,
But they'll keep moving forward, they'll keep climbing.
For they are the future, and they'll always strive,
To be the best they can be, and to stay alive.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Whispering Blues

A life of pain, a heart of stone,
A constant battle that's never won.
Alone in the dark, feeling so low,
Wondering where I should go.

A mask of laughter, a smile so bright,
But deep inside, a fear of the light.
A need for someone, my thoughts to hear,
Someone to hold and dry every tear.

Memories of the past, haunting and real,
A burden is too heavy, too hard to feel.
A search for comfort, a quest for peace,
But the hurt and the pain never cease.

A cry for help, a silent plea,
But who to trust, who to believe?
A longing for love, a need for care,
But the world is cold, and nobody's there.

A hope for tomorrow, a wish for change,
But for now, the struggles remain.
A journey ahead, a path to tread,
A chance to heal, to live, and to spread love instead.

Though the road is long, and the night is dark,
And the weight of the world feels like it's tearing apart.
There's a light that shines within,
A strength that we all have within.

We just must reach out and take hold,
And find the courage to let the pain unfold.
To open and share our hearts,
And find a way to make a new start.

So don't give up, don't lose your way,
For tomorrow's a new day,
And with hope in your heart and love by your side,
You'll make it through, and you'll learn to abide.

So, keep fighting, keep going,
For the light of a new day is glowing.
You are not alone, you are loved,
And in time, you'll find a new world above.

The Person I Never Was

I was the person I never was,
Held back by fear and lack of trust,
I let holdbacks, fear of failure,
And the fear of judgment rules my behavior.

I longed for support, but it never came,
And so my dreams and aspirations remained the same,
I wish I could have done so much more,
To be the person I was meant to be, but I was unsure.

I let my doubts and insecurities control,
And my potential was left unfulfilled, a story untold,
But now I see, it's never too late,
To break free from the chains and change my fate.

I'll rise above the fears that held me back,
And push forward, on a new track,
I'll be the person I was meant to be,
And reach for my dreams, wild and free.

So let this be a lesson to all,
Never let fear and doubts take the fall,
For we are capable of so much more,
If we just open the door.

I've always had a bit of a dreamer inside me, someone who wanted to explore and take risks but was held back by fear of rejection and failure. Growing up, I didn't have the most supportive environment. I was often met with negativity and criticism which made me even more hesitant to take risks.

But as I got older, I realized that the person I never was, is not someone to regret or resent. This person is just a reflection of the journey I've been on and the lessons I've learned along the way. I understood that the only way to become who I want to be is to face my fears and insecurities head-on and surround myself with people who will encourage and inspire me to chase my dreams.

I may have been held back by fear, lack of support, and naivety, but I'm determined to break through those barriers and become the best version of myself. Now, I'm taking the necessary steps to build a supportive environment and face my fears. I'm learning to trust and open up to others, taking risks and stepping out of my comfort zone, and I'm slowly but surely becoming the person I always wanted to be. And honestly, it feels pretty good!

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

OPINION: Addressing the Struggles of 21st Century Teachers in the Philippines

Teaching is one of the most challenging yet rewarding careers one can pursue. However, in the 21st century, teachers face a unique set of struggles that can make their job even more difficult. In the Philippines, teachers in the Department of Education (DepEd) are facing issues related to the attitudes of learners, the implementation of child protection policies, teacher protection, compensation, and overwhelming workloads. These struggles can take a toll on a teacher's physical and emotional well-being, making it difficult for them to effectively fulfill their role in shaping the future of the country. But it is important to note that these struggles can be overcome with proper support and resources.

Attitudes of Learners

One of the biggest struggles that 21st-century teachers face is dealing with students who have negative attitudes toward learning. These students may be disengaged, uncooperative, or even disruptive in the classroom, making it difficult for the teacher to effectively teach and for other students to learn. This can be a result of a variety of factors, such as personal problems, lack of interest in the subject matter, or poor home environment. But it is the responsibility of the teacher to find ways to engage and motivate these students.

Teachers can adopt different strategies to address and improve student attitudes. One approach is to set up a positive classroom culture where students feel respected and valued. Teachers can also try to build a positive relationship with their students, by getting to know them and understanding their individual needs. Additionally, providing opportunities for student engagement and making the learning experience more interactive and hands-on can help to increase student motivation and engagement.

Implementation of Child Protection Policies in DepEd

Another struggle that teachers in the Philippines face are the implementation and enforcement of child protection policies in schools. The DepEd has established policies to protect students from abuse, exploitation, and discrimination, however, implementing these policies in the classroom can be challenging. Teachers may not always be aware of the policies or may not know how to properly report a case of abuse. Additionally, there may be a lack of support and resources available to teachers to properly implement and enforce the policies. But it is the responsibility of DepEd to ensure that the teachers are well-equipped to implement these policies.

To address this struggle, DepEd should provide regular training and education for teachers on child protection policies and how to report cases of abuse. Additionally, schools should have a designated person in charge of handling and addressing cases of abuse and exploitation. Furthermore, DepEd should provide support and resources to schools to effectively implement and enforce the policies.

Teacher Protection

Teachers in the Philippines also struggle with issues related to their physical and emotional safety in the classroom. In some cases, teachers may be subjected to verbal or physical abuse from students or parents. Additionally, teachers may be at risk of burnout or stress due to the overwhelming workload and lack of support. But it is the responsibility of DepEd to ensure the safety and well-being of the teachers.

To address this struggle, DepEd should establish policies and procedures to protect teachers from abuse and provide support for teachers who have experienced abuse. The DepEd should also provide training and education on stress management and mental health support for teachers. Additionally, the DepEd should establish a system of fair compensation and reduce the workload of teachers to prevent burnout.

Compensation and Workload

Another major struggle that teachers in the Philippines face are the lack of fair compensation and overwhelming workload. Teachers are often underpaid and overworked, which can lead to burnout and a lack of job satisfaction. Additionally, the lack of compensation can make it difficult for teachers to provide for their families and meet their basic needs. But it is the responsibility of DepEd to ensure that teachers are compensated fairly and not overburdened with the workload.

To address this struggle, DepEd should establish a fair compensation system for teachers that takes into account their qualifications, experience, and workload. This will not only help to attract and retain talented teachers, but it will also help to improve the overall quality of education in the Philippines. Additionally, DepEd should work to reduce the workload of teachers and provide support to help teachers manage their workloads more effectively. By providing teachers with the necessary support and resources, they can be better equipped to handle the challenges they face.

The struggles that 21st-century teachers in the Philippines are not insignificant and require immediate attention. The Department of Education (DepEd) has a crucial role in addressing these issues, from the national level down to the school heads. They should make a concerted effort to support and provide necessary resources to address these issues of student attitudes, implementation of child protection policies, teacher protection, compensation, and overwhelming workloads. By providing teachers with the proper support and resources, they can be better equipped to handle the challenges they face and effectively fulfill their role in shaping the future of the country. They must take responsibility to ensure that the needs of the teachers are met.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

End Game

 screenshot from GMA Drama

Fidel's love for Klay was pure and true,
It changed him, made him see anew,
He learned to care not just for himself,
But also, for his homeland, to help.

With Klay by his side, he found his way,
To make a better world, come what may,
She showed him how to be selfless and kind,
And to leave behind a love that's somewhat, blind.

But as the day approached for her to go,
Fidel felt his heartbeat slow,
The thought of losing her by his side,
Filled him with an overwhelming tide.

He knew that she had her world to live,
But the love he had for her, he couldn't give,
He knew that he would miss her so, dearly,
And the thought of them being apart, eerie.

But Fidel knew that love knows no bounds,
Even in the world of the novel, where his truth surrounds,
So, he holds on tight for his hope,
That one day they'll be together, in this world they'll cope.

The Poet's Pen

The pen in my hand, a tool of my trade
A weapon to wield, a story to braid
With every word, the world comes alive
A blank page before me, a canvas to thrive

I write of love, loss, hope, and of dreams
I paint with words, a world that seems
With emotion and feeling, a tapestry unspun
A poem in the making, a masterpiece begun

It flows from my mind, a river of thought
A current to ride, a story to be wrought
With every line, my heart beats as one
With the words, as they are written and done

A poem is a thing of beauty, a work of art
A reflection of life, a beating heart
It tells of our triumphs and our fears
It holds the truth, it dries our tears

So I'll keep on writing, a poem every day
For in the words, I'll find my way
To a world that's waiting, a story yet untold
A poem in the making, a masterpiece to behold.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Bida-bida: A Search for Recognition

Amid a crowd, there's always one,
A person who seeks the spotlight, never done.
They'll do whatever it takes, to be seen,
To be the center of attention, always keen.

The bida-bida, always in the lead,
Eager to be in the limelight, never in need.
They'll tell a joke, or sing a song,
Even if it's not their turn, they'll never be wrong.

They'll interrupt, and take the stage,
Making sure, they're not in the background, but on the front page.
They'll act, and speak, without a care,
Being noticed, is their main affair.

But as the bida-bida takes the stage,
Their true colors are hard to gauge.
Behind the facade, there's a different story,
Of someone who's seeking love and glory.

Perhaps, they've been hurt, or feel alone,
And attention is a way to atone.
Or maybe, they just want to be heard,
And to be seen is their only word.

o let us not judge, the bida-bida person,
For their actions may come from a deeper reason,
A longing for acceptance, a need to belong,
A search for validation, in which they're drawn.

Let us understand, and lend a listening ear,
For who knows, they might just need a friend to hold dear.
Behind the mask, there's a human being,
With emotions and struggles, that are not easy to be seen.

They may have a story, of pain and sorrow,
And the attention they seek is a way to borrow,
A moment of happiness, a feeling of worth,
And at that moment, they find solace on earth.

So let's be kind, and show compassion,
For the bida-bida person, in action.
In this world, where everyone is seeking,
A little empathy is what they're needing.

Empowering Yourself: Recognizing Your Worth

You're worth more than you think, so never settle. It's a simple statement, but one that is often difficult to internalize and put into practice. Whether it's settling for a job that doesn't fulfill you, a relationship that doesn't make you happy, or a life that doesn't align with your goals, it can be all too easy to convince yourself that this is all you're worth. But the truth is, you deserve more. You deserve to be happy, fulfilled, and successful.

Settling is defined as accepting something less than what you want or deserve. It's a dangerous trap to fall into because it can lead to a lack of self-esteem and self-worth. When you settle for less than you deserve, you send yourself the message that you're not good enough for something better. Over time, this can take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being, leading to feelings of unhappiness and dissatisfaction in your personal and professional life.

Many factors can contribute to settling. Fear of failure or rejection can hold you back from pursuing your dreams and goals. Societal pressure to conform can make you feel like you need to fit into a certain mold, even if it doesn't align with who you truly are. Limited beliefs about your abilities and potential can also make you feel like you're not capable of achieving more.

To break the cycle of settling, it's important to recognize and act on your worth. Here are a few strategies to help you do just that:

Practice self-compassion and positive self-talk. Treat yourself with the same kindness, understanding, and compassion you would offer to a good friend. Speak to yourself with encouragement and positivity, rather than criticism and negativity.

Set and work towards personal and professional goals. Having a clear sense of what you want to achieve can give you direction and purpose. Make a plan and take actionable steps toward achieving your goals.

Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging individuals. Being around people who believe in you and support you can make all the difference. Seek out friends, family, and mentors who will lift you and help you stay motivated.

You deserve more than settling for less. Recognize your worth and act on it. It may be hard work, but it will be worth it in the end. You'll be happier, fulfilled, and successful. Remember, You are capable of achieving great things, so don’t let yourself settle for less. Empower yourself to take control of your life and chase after the things that truly matter to you.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Woken Voices

Being woke is not a fleeting trend
But a conscious choice, a journey to tend
To the systems of power and oppression
That holds us back and causes regression

It's the recognition of our privilege
And how it shapes the way we live
It's the willingness to listen and learn
From those who've had to bear the burn

It's the use of our privilege and power
To support and uplift, in every hour
To stand with marginalized communities
And amplify their voices, breaking the social boundaries

Being woke also means refusing to be silenced
This a stance we must take, for the oppressed and marginalized
To stand up against attempts to intimidate
And fight for the rights of those who are not seen

It's not just an individual's fight
But a collective effort, a joint plight
To create a more just and equitable space
Where everyone has an equal place

Being woke means committing to education
And self-reflection, with no hesitation
It means taking action and making a change
To break the chains that hold us in range

Being woke means standing up for what's right
And fighting against all forms of oppression and blight
It means working towards a better future
Where everyone is treated with respect and nurture

Let us strive to be woke, and never be silenced
For in this journey, we are all bound
To create a society where everyone is free
And discrimination is a thing of the past, finally.

Drowning, Rising Up


artwork and poem by Winsome William

I was once a young, free spirit,

With dreams like eagles soaring in the sky.

But society had other plans for me,

And I found myself trapped, unable to fly.

They told me how to speak, how to act,

How to live, and what to think.

They said that I must fit in the script,

And that anything else would make me sink.

So I tried my best to conform,

To be the person they wanted me to be.

But it was like trying to swim upstream,

In a river that was too strong for me.

I watched as my dreams slowly drowned,

In the tide of society's demands.

My voice was silenced, my spirit broken,

And my true self became just a dust in the wind.

I was told that success and happiness

Could only be found in fitting in,

But it was all a lie.

For trying to be like everyone else,

I'd lost myself for the sake of what others would think.

I wish I could go back in time,

To when my dreams were alive and true.

But I know now that it's too late,

Because all I can do,

Is drown in this sea of societal blue.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Balancing the Benefits and Risks of AI Technologies in the Academic Setting

In recent years, technological advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI) have made it easier for students to access information and complete assignments quickly. However, this has also led to concerns about academic integrity and the possibility of students using computer-generated texts for their work. As a result, many schools and universities are now moving back to manual methods of assessment, such as pen and paper tests, to ensure that the work being submitted is original and not generated by a computer.

One of the main reasons for this shift is the fear that AI-generated texts will become so sophisticated that it will be difficult to distinguish them from work produced by human authors. This has led to concerns that students may use these technologies to cheat on assignments and exams, undermining the integrity of the academic process. The use of AI-generated texts can be seen as a form of plagiarism, as it allows students to pass off the work of others as their own. This not only undermines the integrity of the academic process but also devalues the hard work and dedication of those who have truly earned their degrees.

Additionally, the use of AI-generated texts can also create an uneven playing field for students who do not have access to these technologies. Students who cannot afford to purchase software or pay for access to AI-generated texts may find themselves at a disadvantage when competing with their peers for grades and opportunities. This creates an even bigger problem than just academic integrity, it creates a social problem that could increase the gap between rich and poor students.

While it is true that AI-generated texts have the potential to be used for nefarious purposes, it is important to remember that these technologies can also be used for good. For example, AI-generated texts can be used to help students with disabilities access information and complete assignments more easily. Additionally, these technologies can also be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of research, making it easier for scholars to access and analyze large amounts of data. However, this does not change the fact that academic integrity must be protected, and the use of AI-generated texts should be heavily monitored, if not outright prohibited.

The move back to manual methods of assessment is not only about ensuring academic integrity, but it is also about promoting critical thinking and creativity. When students are forced to rely on their knowledge and understanding of a subject, they are more likely to develop the necessary skills to think critically and come up with new ideas. Additionally, manual methods of assessment, such as pen and paper tests, are less susceptible to cheating, making it easier to maintain academic integrity.

Another important aspect of this shift is the opportunity for teachers to truly evaluate students' understanding of the material. With the use of AI-generated texts, it can be difficult to determine whether a student truly understands the material or if they are simply regurgitating information that they have found online. With manual methods of assessment, teachers can more easily evaluate a student's understanding of the material, making it easier to identify areas where a student may need additional help.

It is also important to remember that the use of AI-generated texts is not the only way to cheat. Students can also use other forms of technology, such as smartphones or the internet, to cheat on exams or assignments. However, the use of AI-generated texts is a particularly egregious form of cheating, as it allows students to pass off the work of others as their own. This is why it is important to address this issue comprehensively and holistically.

The rise of AI technologies is forcing us to rethink the way we assess student learning and academic performance. While it may be tempting to simply ban the use of these technologies in the academic setting, it is important to remember that they can also be used to improve the learning experience for all students. However, the potential for cheating and undermining of academic integrity must be taken into consideration. As such, it is important to find a balance between the use of these technologies and manual methods of assessment to ensure that academic integrity is maintained while also taking advantage of the benefits that these technologies can provide. This includes not only implementing strict rules and guidelines for the use of AI-generated texts, but also promoting critical thinking and creativity, and providing opportunities for teachers to truly evaluate students' understanding of the material.

It is also important to ensure that the use of these technologies does not create an uneven playing field for students who do not have access to them. This can be done by providing resources and support for students who may need them, and by promoting a culture of academic integrity and fair competition.

In the end, the use of AI technologies in the academic setting should not be viewed as a threat, but rather as an opportunity to enhance the learning experience for all students. However, it is important to approach this opportunity with caution and to take the necessary steps to ensure that academic integrity is maintained. By finding a balance between the use of these technologies and manual methods of assessment, we can ensure that students are truly learning and that their challenging work and dedication are properly recognized.

Friday, January 20, 2023

The Unrealistic Expectation of Fairness

Life is not always fair. It is a harsh reality that we must all come to accept at some point in our lives. The world can be cruel and unforgiving, and it is not always easy to understand why certain things happen to us. However, one thing that we must come to realize is that expecting the world to be fair with us simply because we are fair people is a fool's errand.

I remember a time when I was younger and I believed that if I was a good person, the world would be good to me in return. I thought that if I treated others with kindness and respect, they would do the same to me. I was wrong. I was hurt and betrayed by people who I thought were my friends, and I was taken advantage of by those who I trusted. It was a difficult lesson to learn, but it taught me that the world does not operate on the principle of fairness.

Just like the lion, the world does not discriminate. It does not care whether you are a good person or not. It will not spare you simply because you did not eat it. The lion will eat you because it is its nature to do so. The world is the same way. It will take what it wants, and it will not apologize for it.

But it's not all bad, we can still strive to be the best versions of ourselves, to be fair to others and strive for justice, to help others when we can, and show compassion to those who are less fortunate. It is important to remember that we are not alone in this world and that we can make a difference in the lives of others.

In the end, we must accept that the world is not always fair, but that does not mean we should give up on trying to make it a better place. We must continue to be fair, kind, and compassionate, even when the world is not. We must stand up for what is right, and fight against injustice. We must not let the world's unfairness defeat us. Instead, we must use it as a motivation to be the best versions of ourselves and to make a difference in the world.

Expecting the world to be fair to us because we are fair people is a fool's errand. But that doesn't mean we should give up on being fair, kind, and compassionate. We can still strive to be the best versions of ourselves and make a difference in the world. It's not always easy, but it's worth it. And that is something worth fighting for.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Taking Action, Walking the Talk

Actions speak louder than words. This age-old adage has been passed down through the generations because it rings true. It's easy to say that you're going to do something, but it's another thing entirely to follow through and do it. Words are cheap and they can be easily spoken without any real intention behind them. But actions are different. They require effort, they require commitment, and they require follow-through.

When it comes to achieving our goals and living our best lives, it's not enough to just talk about it. We have to take action. We have to put in the work. We have to be willing to make sacrifices and overcome obstacles to make things happen. And when we do, the rewards are well worth it.

One of the most powerful things about actions is that they inspire others. When we see someone else taking action and achieving their goals, it can be incredibly motivating. It can give us the courage and the drive to take action ourselves. When others see us taking action, they're more likely to be inspired to do the same. This creates a ripple effect that can change the world.

But taking action is not always easy. It requires discipline, hard work, and a willingness to fail. But that's the beauty of it. When we're willing to take action, even when it's difficult, we're showing that we're truly committed to our goals. We're showing that we're not just talking, but that we're willing to put in the work to make things happen.

Actions speak louder than words. If you want to achieve your goals and live your best life, you need to take action. You need to put in the work and be willing to make sacrifices. And when you do, you'll inspire others to do the same, and together we can change the world.

Let Go, Trust, Breathe

Life is full of surprises and uncertainty, and it can be easy to get caught up in the need to have everything planned out and under control. However, sometimes the best things in life happen when we let go of our need for control and trust in the unknown.

When we have a plan, we often limit ourselves to a certain set of possibilities and opportunities. We may miss out on something even better because we were too focused on sticking to our plan. By letting go of the need for a plan, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences that we may have never considered before.

Another benefit of not having a plan is that it allows us to be more present in the moment. When we are caught up in planning and thinking about the future, we often miss out on the beauty and joy that is happening right now. By letting go of our need for control, we can fully embrace the present moment and truly experience the beauty of life.

But letting go of control is not easy. It requires trust in ourselves and the world around us. Trust that we will be able to handle whatever comes our way, and trust that things will work out in the end. It requires the courage to take a leap of faith and see what happens.

When we let go, breathe and trust, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences that we may have never considered before. It may be scary, but it is also incredibly liberating. So next time you're feeling overwhelmed with the need to have everything planned out, take a deep breath and let go. Trust that everything will work out and see what happens. You might just be surprised at the amazing things that come your way.

You don't always need a plan in life. Sometimes, you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens. This allows you to be more present, open to new possibilities and experiences, and truly experience the beauty of life. Trusting in yourself and the world around you takes courage but it is also liberating.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


 by Patt Familara

On the day that GODS conquered our land

Our freedom, wealth, and soul are devoured by GUNS.

The color RED flooded the earth

That drifts beneath our raging SUN.

People fought and died for IT;

Against the monstrous tyranny from the EAST

Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat were offered

To regain the stolen freedom of our past.

With the aim for freedom, a Flag was weaved

With the sun and three stars that made us amalgamated;

The color of red conveys strength for those who tussled

With a shade of blue that tells us that we are united.

Then a hymn was sung on the 12th of June 1898

Uttering meaningful words that declare sovereignty

An anthem that was sung on that historical balcony

And a flag that symbolizes that we are now FREE!

From FEAR to GLADNESS people celebrated

For that short-lived freedom that was never accepted

Months later gunfire was heard

Commencing another threat coming from the buyer.

Once again we, the natives were conquered;

By new gods that promised education to everyone

Ships started to arrive with TOMMIES inside

That trained us to bark like BOW-WOW-WOW

 Years passed, the Brown was covered by white

And started to live in the shadows of our New Gods

We now to hate the things that we have

Even the brown color of the skin we possess

Hundreds of Years under the colonizers

We now lost our identity that came from our forefathers

A shade of GREY was left from our vibrant rainbow,

That once shined from our clear blue sky.

Hope from the Orient once again renewed

That in a few years’ time their land will be liberated

From those who made us thinking

That WHITES are a superior human being

Then a plane from the sky flew over the Capitol

A bomb was dropped on a lovely harbor

Armies of gods from our neighbor

Forcibly took control of our buyers

Women were raped, Children were bayoneted

By the monsters from the land where the Sun Rises

Killing innocent lives to those who blocked

Making GARDENs grow like how the mushrooms bloom

For the next THREE years people suffered;

FEAR once again ruled over those who grieved

HANDS that once were FREE were now knotted

The gods came from the north of the Earth.

Then A-Bombs were dropped on the land of the occupiers,

That forced them to left on the land that writhed

Leaving the ROSES on the lonely hills

That WEPT on the GARDENS that the gods have created

A PROMISE that was made by a man from the EAST

The ORIENT was freed, granting freedom at least

On the Day they called independence of the WEST

The SONG of the BROWNS was sung at its best.

But the fight for freedom was not OVER yet

Communist ideologies rose to POWER, a new threat

Marshall Law was imposed, and rights were STRIPPED

The people suffered, their VOICES silenced and lips zipped

Then a leader emerged, a man named Ninoy

He fought for the people, and their CRIES he did not ignore

But his life was taken, in a fateful assassination

Leaving the nation in shock, with deep consternation

His wife, Corazon, stepped up to lead the fight

But her reign was fraught with struggles, not a smooth flight

The people's trust in her wavered, and she lost the election

But the people were not done, they sought a new direction

A revolution was sparked, a PEOPLE POWER uprising

The DICTATOR was overthrown, and the people's voices arising

FREEDOM was regained, and democracy restored

But the journey was long and the fight far from over.

The colors of the flag still wave, red, blue, and white

But the SHADOWS of the past still lingers in sight

The people strive for progress, for a brighter tomorrow

In hope that the colors of freedom will once again BORROW.

Monday, January 16, 2023

The Lasting Impact of Ancient Asian Civilizations: Contributions from Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, and China

Ancient Asian civilizations made a significant impact on the modern world through their contributions in various fields such as writing, urban planning, agriculture, medicine, engineering, and philosophy.

The Mesopotamian City States, located in present-day Iraq, were some of the earliest civilizations in the world, dating back to around 4000 BCE. They developed the first system of writing, known as cuneiform, which greatly advanced record-keeping and communication. Cuneiform was used for a wide range of texts, including administrative documents, legal codes, religious texts, and literary works. This system of writing was used for over 3,000 years and was a major step forward in the development of human civilization.

The Indus Valley Civilization, located in present-day Pakistan and northwest India, was one of the earliest urban civilizations in the world, dating back to around 2600 BCE. They had an advanced urban planning system, with well-planned cities, streets, and buildings. They also developed a sophisticated system of drainage and sewage, which was a significant achievement for an ancient civilization. The Indus Valley Civilization also had a complex system of weights and measures, which suggests a high level of mathematical and scientific knowledge.

The Ancient Chinese Civilization, which dates to around 2000 BCE, made significant advancements in agriculture. They developed irrigation systems and used crop rotation, which greatly increased agricultural productivity. They also developed new techniques for growing rice, which allowed them to sustain a large population. The Chinese also made significant advancements in areas such as medicine, astronomy, and engineering. They made important discoveries in the field of medicine, such as the use of anesthesia and the development of acupuncture. In astronomy, they made the first observations of supernovae and comets, and they also developed the first seismograph. They also made important contributions to the field of engineering, such as the development of the wheelbarrow and the use of the crossbow.

The Ancient Chinese also made significant contributions to the field of technology. They invented paper, which revolutionized the way information was recorded and transmitted. They also developed gunpowder, which had a major impact on warfare and eventually led to the development of guns. The Chinese also invented the compass, which revolutionized navigation and greatly facilitated exploration and trade.

In addition to their technological contributions, the Ancient Chinese also made significant contributions in the field of philosophy and religion. Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are three of the most important Chinese philosophical and religious traditions. Confucianism, which emphasizes the importance of virtue, education, and the proper conduct of government, has had a lasting impact on Chinese culture and society. Taoism, which emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with nature, has also had a significant impact on Chinese culture and society. Buddhism, which originated in India but was later adopted by China, has also had a major impact on Chinese culture and society.

In conclusion, ancient Asian civilizations such as the Mesopotamian City States, Indus Valley Civilizations, and Ancient Chinese Civilizations made significant contributions to the modern world. They developed the first system of writing, advanced urban planning, and made significant advancements in agriculture, medicine, astronomy, engineering, and technology. They also developed important philosophical and religious ideas, which have greatly influenced Eastern societies and have also had a significant impact on Western societies. These ancient civilizations set the foundation for the advancements and progress that we see in the modern world today.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Maria Clara and Klay

Maria Clara, a woman of the past

Trapped in societal expectations that last

Pure, submissive, and idealized

Her tragic fate, a story that is realized

Klay, a woman of today

Independent, outspoken, in her way

Fighting for rights, for her, and all

A symbol of progress, standing tall

Two women, vastly different it seems

Yet both a reflection of their society's dreams

Maria Clara, a reminder of the past

Klay, an inspiration for the future to last

The fight for equality, a continuous quest

Understanding the context, of the very best

So let us honor Maria Clara's story

And strive for a brighter future, just like Klay's glory.

From Maria Clara to Klay: Examining the Evolution of Filipino Women

In Jose Rizal's "Noli Me Tangere," Maria Clara is presented as the epitome of the idealized, pure, and submissive woman. Her tragic fate serves as a commentary on the social and political issues of the Philippines during the Spanish colonization. On the other hand, Klay, a fictional Gen Z Filipina from the TV series Maria Clara at Ibarra of GMA 7, represents the modern and empowered young woman of today. She is independent, outspoken, and actively fights for her rights and the rights of others.

The contrast between these two characters is striking, yet they both share the common thread of being symbols of the society they exist in. Maria Clara, a product of her time, represents the struggles and oppression faced by women during the Spanish colonization. Her story serves as a reminder of the injustices and inequalities that existed in the past and how far we have come as a society.

Klay, on the other hand, represents the progress and empowerment that women have achieved in contemporary times. She is a reflection of the changes that have occurred in Philippine society since the time of "Noli Me Tangere". She embodies the spirit of a generation that is unafraid to speak out against injustice and fight for equality.

It is important to note that the character of Maria Clara is not just a representation of the past but also of the present. Even today, some women find themselves in similar situations as Maria Clara, trapped in oppressive and limiting societal expectations. Her story serves as a reminder that the fight for equality and justice is not over and that there is still work to be done.

Klay, on the other hand, serves as an inspiration and a symbol of hope for the future. She represents the potential for change and progress in society. Her character is a reminder that the fight for equality and justice is not a one-time event but a continuous process.

The contrast between these two characters also highlights the importance of understanding and appreciating the historical and cultural context in which they exist. The Philippines has a rich and complex history, and it is essential to understand the past to fully appreciate the present and plan for the future.

The characters of Maria Clara and Klay serve as powerful symbols of the society they exist in. While they may seem vastly different at first glance, they both share the common thread of representing the struggles and triumphs of Philippine women. Maria Clara serves as a reminder of the injustices and inequalities of the past, while Klay serves as an inspiration and a symbol of hope for the future. It is important to understand and appreciate the historical and cultural context in which these characters exist and how they continue to shape and influence Philippine society today.

Maria Clara, Klay, Noli Me Tangere, Jose Rizal, Spanish colonization, Philippine women, empowerment, progress, equality, societal expectations, historical context, cultural context

Why the Celebration of the People Power Revolution in the Philippines Still Matters Today

The People Power Revolution, also known as the EDSA Revolution, was a historic event that occurred in the Philippines in 1986. It was a peaceful mass protest that resulted in the end of the dictatorship of President Ferdinand Marcos and the restoration of democracy in the country. The revolution was sparked by widespread discontent with the Marcos regime, which was marked by human rights abuses, corruption, and economic mismanagement. The peaceful nature of the revolution and the unity of the Filipino people in their call for change were key factors in its success.

The celebration of the People Power Revolution serves as a reminder of the importance of democracy and the sacrifices made to achieve it. It is a time to honor the memory of those who fought for freedom and to reflect on the lessons of the past. The revolution was a turning point in Philippine history, marking the end of a dark period of authoritarian rule and the beginning of a new era of freedom and democracy.

However, the fact that the son of the late President Ferdinand Marcos, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., is now the president of the Philippines may lead to differing opinions on the significance and value of the People Power Revolution today. Some may argue that the election of Marcos Jr. is a step backward and that the country is at risk of returning to the same type of authoritarian rule that existed under his father's regime. Others may see it as a sign of forgiveness and a move forward, as the country has not seen any major human rights violations under his rule.

It's important to note that the People Power Revolution was not only a political event, it was also a social and cultural one. It was a moment when the Filipino people came together to demand change and assert their rights as citizens. It was a time when the people stood up for what they believed in and refused to be silenced by fear. The revolution was a powerful expression of the Filipino spirit and resilience.

Furthermore, the People Power Revolution should be celebrated as a reminder of the importance of civil society in promoting democracy and good governance. The role of civil society in the revolution was crucial in uniting the people, raising awareness of the issues, and providing support to the opposition. Today, civil society organizations play a significant role in monitoring government actions and holding elected officials accountable.

Celebrating the People Power Revolution is still significant and has value today. It serves as a reminder of the importance of democracy and the sacrifices made to achieve it. The revolution was a turning point in Philippine history, and it should be celebrated as a reminder of the strength of the Filipino people and the power of peaceful protest. The fact that the son of the late President Ferdinand Marcos is now the president of the Philippines may lead to differing opinions on the significance and value of the People Power Revolution. Still, it should not detract from the importance of the event and the lessons it holds for the future of the country.

Friday, January 13, 2023

The Conclusion of "Maria Clara at Ibarra" in Noli Me Tangere Story Arc

 (Episode 75 of Maria Clara at Ibarra)

The latest episode of Maria Clara and Ibarra concludes the story arc of Noli Me Tangere by bringing together the characters and themes of the novel. The episode begins with the reunion of Sisa and her son Basilio, who had been separated for a long time. Sisa, who had been driven to madness by the loss of her two sons and the injustices she has faced, was overjoyed to be reunited with her surviving child. However, their reunion was short-lived, as Sisa was shot and killed by the authorities. Her death is a tragic reminder of the human cost of oppression and corruption in Philippine society.

The death of Sisa is a mournful moment that highlights the novel's themes of injustice and the struggle against oppression. Sisa's reunion with Basilio and her subsequent death serves as a reminder that even in moments of joy, the struggle for justice and freedom is never truly over. The episode leaves a lasting impact on the audience, driving home the message that the fight for justice and freedom is a constant and ongoing battle.

As the episode progresses, we see Maria Clara and Crisostomo, the lead characters, bid farewell to each other. Their relationship has been a central theme throughout the novel, and their separation represents the end of an era.

The separation of Maria Clara and Crisostomo is a powerful symbol of the sacrifices that must be made for the greater good. Their love for each other was genuine and deep, but they both knew that their duty to their country and their people was more important. In this way, the episode serves as a reminder that true love and true patriotism are not mutually exclusive.

Overall, the episode is a fitting conclusion to the novel, tying up the themes and story arcs in a satisfying way. The death of Sisa and the separation of Maria Clara and Crisostomo drive home the novel's message of the importance of standing up against oppression and fighting for justice and freedom. The episode may leave a lasting impact on the audience and serves as a powerful call to action.

The Harm of Judgement: Why We Shouldn't Assume Without Understanding

It is easy to pass judgment on a situation or person that we have never experienced or been in. However, it is important to remember that unless we have walked in someone else's shoes and utterly understand their circumstances, we are not able to make assumptions or pass judgment.

Many of us have heard the phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover," but it is a principle that is often overlooked in everyday life. We see someone who is homeless and at once assume they must be lazy or have made poor choices. We see a person in a wheelchair and assume they must be helpless or unable to do certain things. We see a person of a different race or religion and make assumptions about their character or beliefs. But these assumptions are often based on stereotypes and a lack of understanding, and they can be harmful and unfair.

When we judge someone without understanding their situation, we are not only being unfair to them, but we are also limiting ourselves. We are missing the opportunity to gain experience and grow as individuals. Every person has a unique story, and by taking the time to understand and appreciate that story, we can become more empathetic and compassionate individuals.

It is also important to remember that many people are dealing with unseen challenges and struggles. A person who is homeless may have suffered from a mental illness or lost their job due to the economy. A person in a wheelchair may have a chronic illness or have been in a life-altering accident. A person of a different race or religion may be dealing with discrimination or prejudice. These struggles are invisible to the outside world, but they are very real to the person experiencing them. By not judging them and instead showing understanding and compassion, we can help ease their burden and make the world a better place for everyone.

It is easy to pass judgment on a situation or person that we have never experienced or been in. However, it is important to remember that unless we have walked in someone else's shoes and utterly understand their circumstances, we are not in a position to make assumptions or pass judgment. By not judging others, we can become more empathetic and compassionate individuals, and make the world a better place for everyone.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Comparing and Contrasting the Mesopotamian, Indus Valley, and Shang Civilizations

The Mesopotamian civilization, which developed in the region that is now modern-day Iraq, was one of the world's first civilizations, emerging around 4000 BCE. It was known for its advanced systems of writing, law, and government, as well as its rich cultural heritage.

The Mesopotamians developed a form of writing called cuneiform, which was inscribed on clay tablets using a reed stylus. This system of writing was used to record a variety of information, including laws, business transactions, and literature. The Mesopotamians also developed a complex system of law, including the Code of Hammurabi, which set out a system of laws and punishments.

The Mesopotamian culture was polytheistic, and they worshiped gods and goddesses, each responsible for specific aspects of life such as war, fertility, and agriculture. Religion played a significant role in their society and the society was ruled by religious leaders.

The Mesopotamians were skilled builders and engineers, and they constructed impressive architectural feats such as the ziggurat, a massive, stepped pyramid used for religious and administrative purposes. They were also known for their advanced agricultural techniques and irrigation systems.

The Indus Valley civilization, which emerged around 2500 BCE in what is now Pakistan and western India, was known for its urban development and sophisticated drainage system. The Indus Valley civilization developed an undeciphered writing system, which has been found on seals and pottery, which are the primary sources of knowledge about the Indus Valley Civilization.

The Indus Valley people were skilled in metallurgy and produced bronze and copper artifacts. They also developed a complex system of weights and measures.

The religious practices of the Indus Valley civilization are not well known. Still, seals depicting animals and religious symbols have been discovered which suggests that they may have had a form of animal worship.

The Indus Valley civilization was a literate society, but the script remains undeciphered, and much about their way of life and culture is still unknown.

The Shang dynasty, which emerged around 1600 BCE in what is now China, was known for its bronze metallurgy, development of writing, and sophisticated administrative system. The Shang dynasty was the first to leave behind written records, the oracle bones, which are the earliest known examples of Chinese writing.

Shang society was ruled by kings who passed down power through hereditary succession. Religion played a significant role in Shang society and ancestor worship and divination were important religious practices.

The Shang dynasty developed a complex system of writing and was skilled in bronze metallurgy. They also had a complex social hierarchy, with the king at the top, followed by nobles, and then commoners. The Shang dynasty is also known for its bronze vessels, which were used for ritual and ceremonial purposes.

The cultural influence of all these ancient civilizations can still be seen in the modern world. The Mesopotamian civilization influenced the development of Western civilization, particularly in the areas of law and government. The Indus Valley civilization and its advanced technology, such as its sophisticated drainage systems, continue to inspire engineers and city planners today. The Shang dynasty was an important part of ancient Chinese history, and its legacy can be seen in the continuing use of Chinese bronze vessels and the Chinese characters used in modern writing.