Saturday, January 28, 2023

Crashing Waves

The sea crashes against the shore,
A constant reminder of what came before.,
Memories of a life now lost,
A self I yearn to regain at any cost.

The waves crash in with such force
A reflection of inner turmoil and remorse.
The person that I used to be,
Now, just a distant memory.

I long to feel the salt on my skin,
To embrace the freedom that once within,
But the crashing waves remind me,
Of a past, that will forever be.

I stand here on the shore,
Watching the waves come and go,
Wondering what happened to the person
That whom, I used to know.

The waves crash in with such power,
Reminding me of my every hour,
Of laughter and love, hope and dreams,
Of all that once seemed.

But now, they only bring me pain,
The person I was before is not the same,
Lost in a sea of confusion and doubt,
I scream and shout.

Why did I let myself slip away?
Why did I lose sight of who I wanted to be?
But the crashing waves remind me,
That I still have the chance to set myself free.

So I stand here on the shore,
Longing for what came before,
But determined to find,
The person I left behind.

The sea may crash, and the winds may howl,
But I will not let my spirit cower,
For the crashing waves may bring me pain,
But they also help the opportunity to regain.

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