Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rice and Bullets: A short Story Analysis

Hernando R. Ocampo was a Filipino artist and writer who is best known for his paintings and essays that explored Philippine culture and society. One of his most famous essays is titled “Rice and Bullets,” which was first published in 1964.

In this essay, Ocampo examines the practice of using food and other resources as payment for the services of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and other government officials. He refers to this practice as “rice and bullets,” and argues that it is a widespread and persistent problem in the Philippines that undermines the rule of law and the justice system.

Ocampo argues that the practice of rice and bullets is a form of corruption and abuse of power, as it allows PNP officers and other government officials to use their positions of authority for personal gain, rather than serving the public interest. He also argues that it undermines the rule of law, as it allows the rich and powerful to evade justice and avoid punishment for their crimes, while the poor and vulnerable are left to suffer the consequences of the law.

Furthermore, Ocampo argues that the practice of rice and bullets is a symptom of a deeper problem in Philippine society, which is the lack of respect for the law and the justice system. He argues that many Filipinos do not have faith in the ability of the legal system to provide justice and protect their rights, and as a result, they are willing to resort to corruption and other forms of illegal activity in order to achieve their goals.

Overall, Ocampo’s essay “Rice and Bullets” is a powerful and thought-provoking examination of the problem of corruption and abuse of power in the Philippines. Through his analysis of the practice of rice and bullets, Ocampo highlights the need for stronger laws and enforcement mechanisms to combat corruption, as well as a change in the attitudes and culture of PNP officers and other government officials in order to promote a culture of integrity and accountability.


I.                    Rice and Bullets
By Hernando R. Ocampo

II.                  Synopsis / Summary
Tura is a father that belongs to a very poor family. He has three children and housewife. One day, Mr. Remulla, a rich guy that came from US told them that they should go to the plaza, so that they could get some kilos of rice. They should bring with them three pieces of big rocks that what Mr. Remulla said represents the three major islands of the Philippines. Tura along with the other guys went straight to the plaza mayor. After reaching the crowd of people in central grandstand, Tura felt something’s wrong to his stomach, he is hungry. He wanted to get some kilos of rice so he can go home early to feed his young’s. On his hurry, the policemen blocked the entrance to the rice warehouse owned by the rich Chinese.  People start the riot as well the police fight back to it and series of gunshots burst outside. While the group of Tura, overpowered the the warehouse, he filled his sack as fast as he can, but the police officers start to fiercely enter the place. Tura, with his half full sack run quickly outside the warehouse but he felt something hot to his body. He still hold the sack with his weakening hands until he run out of consciousness, he was shot.

III.                Short Story Elements

A.      Characters
a.      Tura – Round character, he is the protagonist, a father for 3, poor guy.
b.      Policemen officers – Flat character – who guarded the warehouse.
c.       Mr. Remulla- Round Character- first he is kind, but in the end he let his officer to shoot the crowd.

B.      Plot Liner
a.      Introduction – The author introduced the main character and describes their situation.
b.      Rising Action – When the crowd started to fire riot.
c.       Climax – When the police officers start to shoot the people who started the riot.
d.      Falling Action- when the police overtook the place from the group of Tura
e.      Denouement- Tura, as he try to go home, he was shot and lost his consciousness.

C.      Settings
a.      Place: One of the poor provine in Luzon, Plaza mayor, Chinese Rice Warehouse
b.      Time: Long time ago.
c.       Weather- warm
d.      Social conditions – Lower –Class / below poverty line
e.      Mood or Atmosphere:  Tense, action

D.     Point of View
a.      The author uses 3rd person point of view, because he uses he, him, his, and they.

E.      Literary Devices
a.      The author uses symbols such as the big three rocks that represents the 3 main islands of the country, and it shows how the people lift heavy problems in their back such as poverty, and food shortage.

F.       Theme
a.      The theme of the story is people will absolutely do anything to survive. 

G.     The Conflict
a.      The poor family lives in salabat as the source of food. Tura, the father, seek to find rice for food. So he went to the plaza to be blessed to be spare some kilos of rice. As his hunger strikes to bad, he wanted to get rice fast so he bump other and run first the line, the riot start. The police start to fire some shot alarm so the crowd would stop. But it is useless the raging crowd start to fight back.


Singlelift said...

It's verry interesting story. I want to play this with my group mates and I think my teacher will give us a highest grades. So thank you for creating this page

Unknown said...

It's help me
Thankyou so much

Unknown said...

Why did ture joined the demonstration

Student said...

What sociological issue was being illustrated in the story?

Unknown said...

What is the resolution of the story?

Unknown said...

It's a good story but I'm struggling to find the heart or its climax I guess ill rate it a solid 8/10

Anonymous said...

Who are the characters and their role in the story?