Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Filipino Christian Leader

FCL programs are core subjects of the school in developing the character and to promote the values that our lord teaches us. To live a true Christian, not only in doctrine but to be an active and purposeful helpers of God especially in transforming the lives of the student towards nation building of our beloved country, the Philippines.

All FCL programs have its own unique curriculum to attain the mission of the school in character building. FCL develop and let me realize my Identity and establish my dignity as a true christen citizen of the world. A man of God and a Man for others that would not hesitate to extend help to those in need. And to share and to live in the community conveying the values from our lord that FCL programs teaches to us. A call for perfections in order to be a just and effective Filipino Christian leader of our society embedded by the traits needed to know what to develop.
All of us are leaders, leaders in a way that we, in some way, can transform the lives of few for the better. Having traits that are exceptional especially by knowing what kind of leader are we. Am I an Autocratic, Democratic, Transformational, or a leader that carries the values, principles and philosophies of being Christian?
To know what kind of leader are we is to have a realization with the help of other people and reading the gospels and understanding the teachings of St. Paul. Is might not be an answer but it is a help to know the qualifications of a true leader.
Christ is a leader it is not limited to the apostles but extended to us even nowadays. He is an authentic leader that brought us to the enlightenment especially in promoting peace in the community. He was a transformational and servant leader that empowers the people.
We are leaders of today’s future. We are here; living in our peaceful society should keep and continue the legacy of our lord in promoting peace and good moral values to our countrymen. We are not living for ourselves but for others. We are a man of god and a man for others. To share and develop the identity and dignity our fellowmen as a Filipino that would last for long. Because, we are A FILIPINO CHRISTIAN LEADER.

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