Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Poet's Pen

The pen in my hand, a tool of my trade
A weapon to wield, a story to braid
With every word, the world comes alive
A blank page before me, a canvas to thrive

I write of love, loss, hope, and of dreams
I paint with words, a world that seems
With emotion and feeling, a tapestry unspun
A poem in the making, a masterpiece begun

It flows from my mind, a river of thought
A current to ride, a story to be wrought
With every line, my heart beats as one
With the words, as they are written and done

A poem is a thing of beauty, a work of art
A reflection of life, a beating heart
It tells of our triumphs and our fears
It holds the truth, it dries our tears

So I'll keep on writing, a poem every day
For in the words, I'll find my way
To a world that's waiting, a story yet untold
A poem in the making, a masterpiece to behold.

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