Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Escape of the Daydreamer

In the classroom, where the hours drag on,
And the monotony of learning seems to linger on,
The teacher drones on, but I find myself elsewhere,
Lost in my thoughts, a world beyond compares.

My imagination takes flight, to faraway lands,
Where adventure awaits, with open hands,
And I am the hero, of my tale,
In this world of my own, I never fail.

My class is forgotten, as I daydream,
Of fantastical lands, where anything is a theme,
And in my mind's eye, I roam with glee,
Through lands of wonder, so wild and free.

I smile and I laugh, as I wander and play,
In this world of my own, I am free each day,
And the dull classroom is far behind,
Lost in the realm of my wandering mind.

So when boredom creeps in, and I start to stray,
I lose myself in my daydreams, and I'm never swayed,
For in this world, where I am free,
Boredom has no hold, over me.

I visit exotic places, and meet strange creatures,
On my journey through my daydreams, and their features,
And each time I visit, I'm never the same,
For in this world, I'm forever changed.

So even though class may be boring and slow,
My imagination takes me to places I never thought I'd go,
And though the teacher may drone, and the lesson may be dull,
I find joy and excitement, in my daydream world.

For in this place, I'm free to be me,
And boredom is just a distant memory,
And I can go wherever my heart desires,
And set my imagination, aflame with fire.

So, if you're ever feeling bored, just close your eyes,
And let your imagination, reach for the skies,
And you too can find, your paradise,
Lost in the realm of your daydreams and delights.

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