Friday, February 10, 2023

Insomnia's Trials

These sleepless nights, seem to never end,
A battle with my thoughts that I can’t win.
Anxiety grips me, I feel it bend,
And twist my soul, a pain that never dims.

I toss and turn, I count the hours' pass,
And still, I’m trapped within this endless night.
The demons of my mind, haunt my dreams,
And I am left to face my fears alone, in fright.

The memories of yesteryear, come,
And play before my eyes, like a movie reel.
I see the times I faltered, and I’m numb,
Regret and sorrow, are all I can feel.

I try to calm my racing mind, but how?
It’s hard to shake these thoughts, they won’t allow.

And so, I lay here in my bed, in pain,
A prisoner of my own mind, once again.
I wish that I could just turn off my brain,
And find some peace, to escape this endless strain.

But even as I pray for dawn's sweet light,
I know, I'll face this battle once more tonight.

Still, I hold on tight, for I must fight,
This war within my mind, with all my might.
For one day, I'll find that sweet release,
And I'll know, that peace is mine to seize.

Until then, I'll face these sleepless nights,
With courage and with strength, I'll win this fight.

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