Thursday, February 9, 2023

Boredom Raphsody

Boredom, you dull and dreary friend,
You come uninvited, taking the time I could spend
You whisper softly in my ear, void of all cheer,
Making life seem like a chore, nothing to hold dear.

But I will not give in to your drab and tedious spell,
I'll find within me joy that you can never tell.
I'll dance to my own beat, sing my own sweet song,
I'll read the world's pages and learn what I've not known.

You, boredom, are just a guest, passing through for a while,
And I will make the most of you, with a smile.
I'll paint with bright colors, write with words so divine,
Breathing life into the void, making every moment shine.

Farewell, boredom, you dull and dreary state,
You have no hold on me, I won't be late.
I'll live my life with purpose, laughter, love, and light,
Leaving you far behind, a fleeting and transitory sight.

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