Saturday, February 11, 2023

Masterpiece of Life

The thoughts that you think and the dreams that you hold,
Are the bricks that you lay, the story untold?
A life of your own, a world of your design,
Is yours to create, if you simply align.

With your mind and your heart, the power is yours,
To shape the world, to create the doors.
Through this, you can step into a life anew,
Filled with love, light, and beauty, it's true.

So dream of a world where your spirit can soar,
With skies of blue and sun that shines evermore.
Where laughter and joy are heard every day,
And love and peace reign in every way.

The world around you is yours to command,
A tapestry is woven by your hand.
So weave a world filled with love and delight,
And watch as it becomes your reality tonight.

Believe in yourself, for you hold the key,
To unlock the doors of your destiny.
Create a life filled with love and grace,
And watch as it unfolds, with a smile on your face.

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