Thursday, February 2, 2023

Sunset Symphony

Along the shore, the sea is calm,
Reflecting colors, bright and warm.
As the sun and sky in union blend,
A breathtaking sight, around the bend.

The hues of orange, pink, and red,
Gradient across the water's bed.
A canvas painted by our God,
His masterpiece, beyond applause.

It brings peace to the loud mind,
A moment for our thoughts to unwind.
It soothes the soul, quiets the heart,
A relief for all that life can impart.

For in this beauty, we will find rest,
A break from our daily test.
It shows us that amidst the fray,
There's always peace, just a glance away.

So let us pause and stare upon,
This sight is so rare, so bright, so calm.
For in its grace, we will find release,
And comfort from the world's disease.

For every sunset brings to view,
A reminder, old and ever true.
That endings just starts in guise,
And new beginnings, open skies.

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