Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Peace Education

                Education is a process of behavioural change through acquiring new knowledge and understanding new things that surrounds us. Peace is originally means the absence of war in ancient time. We could still use war as the definiendum of this term and as misunderstanding and violence inside the classroom setting such as bullying as its definiens.  
                Peace education is the absence of war in classroom setting. It is important to have peace in order to become more conducive in learning. Harmony and non-threatening atmosphere also sets the mind of the learners to focus in studying without the fear of being harmed by their classmates or by their teacher. It is also bring peaceful relationship between teachers and student.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rain rain go away

Rain rain go away
come again some other day
Little children
Wants to play
Rain rain go away


Ulan ulan umalis ka na
bumalik ka na lang sa ibang araw
Maliliit na bata'y gustong maglaro
Ulan ulan umalis ka na


Every time that heavy rain pours coming from the dark low clouds, classes from Preschool, Elementary, and High School level often suspended except for college level. I often asks my self, should I go to school despite of this crazy weather? News from TV networks announces the schools that suspended their classes as well as their local government.  I always hope that our school is listed on the list of schools that suspends their classes in all level, but it's not. With hesitation pinned on my mind, still, I packed my things and leave the house with no assurances that there are still classes. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Mama’s Here

Written by 
Saccharine Ysabel Gatchalian

“Goodbye, mama! See you later. I love you!” I heard my granddaughter shout those enchanting words to her mama from across the street as she walks hurriedly towards the gate of her school. This may be a usual scene I love seeing as I watch my daughter send her child to school every day. Every time I see them, I remember those happy moments I spent with my daughter when she was young, just before she floundered with embarrassment from our borders as her parents.

I wandered along with the parks we once went to together, and commit to memory the times she asked me for everything she wanted to know, and how she told me all her feelings and thoughts. I could say that we were then a perfect mother-and-child tandem. I was the one she ran to whenever she felt like crying and whenever she was up to something. We would talk to each other about so many things, even nonsense things, and it’s just worth spending time with. We always get carried away by our nifty thoughts. She then would tell me I was the only one she could trust. I remembered her first date; I could sense her nervousness as we held our hands together. I knew she was growing up, and that one day, I would have to let her go. High school graduation came, and she was so keyed up for college. I knew I was growing old. Hehe. By then, I couldn’t believe this was the girl I used to carry, who cried whenever she wanted an ice cream, who would cling to me all the time. Nothing could make me happier than seeing my daughter succeed.

And then the unexpected time came. Maybe she was so carried away by her life, and she was yearning for independence as she graduated from college. “Why won’t you let me go? Mom, I’m not a kid anymore. I get upset whenever my friends tease me as ‘mama’s girl,’ and I’m damn sick of it! So quit causing trouble for me, Mom! I just want my own life! Go live your own!” Then she left. I did not know what has happened to her. I was crying all the time as the blades of her acidic remarks went deep through my bruised heart. It was so painful. It was followed by the death of her father, who got sick of depression. And the death of my whole life came to that moment. The prosperous life with my family left me. I didn’t know what to do. Misery enveloped my entire being as I grew older and weaker – alone.

Many years passed, and in the present, I guess she has already found what she was looking for. She already has a family. Memories are the only ones I embrace in order to be happy. I hope she’s happy now. So I found myself here, wandering along the streets all the time. I left my home because I could not pay for it anymore, and in these wide streets, I was hoping she would recognize me, even just to recognize. I spent my time begging for food or money, with ragged clothes and an old carton is where I would lay my back when I sleep. My home is just where my brittle-boned legs would take me. But every morning, I would go to my granddaughter’s school. I always looked at them, she and her daughter and they were very happy. I always made a way to see her, even for just a glimpse. How I wished my teachings would remain in her even though she had already forgotten me. I hope that as she faced life’s bigger obstacles, she will be able to stand for them. And I felt that I was very proud of her.

Then a startling thing happened, I heard that she was having problems with her husband now, who left her, and she’s very depressed about it. I didn’t want her to be sad. I didn’t want her to feel incomplete. I was still her mother, and I was here for her though not physically. If only I could make her feel my love just like in our old days. She was still my happiness and my love.

And so I walked to the church with my weak legs, to pray for her. It was the least I could do. And there I was, already inside the church with my throbbing knees touching the floor. I cried as I prayed for my daughter. I would not be contented and happy if she was not. I could not stand it if I saw her with full despair. I love her, and she was the only one who could make me happy, though she didn’t realize it.

One day, in front of the church (it’s where I just slept), I was awakened by the church bell and saw her with her whole family walk inside. They were together again and happily living their life. It made me very happy, and a broad smile has been drawn to my old, wrinkled face. My happiness was replete, and I’m so thankful.

And now, as evening deepens, I think it has been a long day – and long life. Now I pray to God for the rest of their lives. I will not stay long anymore. It has proved that my happiness for her will not be broken even though she hurt me. I am a mother, and I love being one. I am now ready as I give my life back to God. So far, as I lie on the usual carton I lay on, my deathbed, along the street, I will leave the world happily knowing that my daughter has reached her dreams. Nothing can make me happier than seeing her delightful. It has mended the wounds of my heart, and I will now join my husband with God. As I close my eyes slowly, I gently utter, “I love you, my child. The Lord will light your path. And don’t worry, mama’s here.”

What would be the BEST choice?

Written by Ruth ( July of 2012)

“…life is so unfair.” That is what we always say when we don’t get things the way we wanted it.
So I just thought, what would be the best choice that a husband could ever make if his wife was battling between life and death. A wife who was about to give birth to their first baby boy. The baby boy that they have been longing to have, to see, to carry, to hold and the baby boy who will complete their family.
What if his wife had this disease that no one can ever cure that only miracle could happen? What if the doctor tells them that his wife had this disease that prevents her wife in conceiving? What if the doctor tells them if ever there was a chance, they only have twenty percent? What if the doctor tells them, in that twenty percent of chance in conceiving, fifty percent of chance of death is waiting for his wife. What if the wife wants to take the twenty percent only to complete their dream family, what would you think the husband will do? Here is the exact story…
“…when we got married, I know the fact that my wife and I have this problem in having a child. She warned me before we decided to get married. She said, “I don’t want to be selfish, but I want you to make a decision. Do you really want to pursue this wedding?” I said yes… God knows how much I love her. At first I did not get why she asked about it then she said, “…because I don’t want you to get stuck in a marriage that there is a possibility of incomplete family. You know that this thing prevents me, right? I love you and God knows how much I do. And I will do anything to make you happy. I am sorry for asking you this… I just wanted you to be sure… and...” and she went on and on and on. I knew exactly what she was pointing out. I love her and I don’t care what could be the problem. All I wanted at that time was to be finally being with her, start a new dream. A family that she and I been dreaming since.
We got married after a few months after that conversation. Went to our honeymoon and enjoyed each other’s company. I made sure that wherever we go, she would be glad, and there will be no pressure or stress she could feel. I made sure of that, thinking that maybe that would be one of our ways of us having our baby boy. But faith was not with us or maybe God. Maybe HE was telling us, “not at this time...” Well, I guess… probably not the right time. Then I asked myself, was it still early? I told my wife that maybe God wanted us to prepare for our baby boy. That my wife and I should save more money and bank it. I only said that because I could sense my wife’s depression. I didn’t want her to feel any pressure.
Months and months have passed. Then years passed. Three long years passed. She finally announced the best new ever! My wife was pregnant! She and I celebrated the big news with our close friends and families. I’ve seen in her the happiness in her face. She always asked me to go with her at the mall to buy baby stuffs like clothing, bottles, diapers and other stuffs. I was very happy looking at her doing things like those, made my heart jumpy.
Every time I came home, I would always kiss her first then kiss her tummy. I also wanted to feel the baby that “hey little boy, dad’s here waiting for you!” My wife and I looked so funny every time we do things only to feel the baby in my wife’s womb. We even read short stories before bed time and we sang songs like nursery rhymes, that we sometimes do the crazy dance even her tummy was not that big yet. The happiness in my wife’s eyes was priceless. That was one of her traits I have loved. She was lively though sometimes she got to be dramatic. That is what I love about her. She was so natural.
I remember, there were nights that she woke me up only to buy her unusual foods. She sometimes asked me to get her something that’s sour and at the same time sweet but seedless. What could that be? But I had to get her that not because I didn’t want her to get mad at me and yell at me but because that was my duty as her husband and as a dad to be. Then I thought, that was life and smiled.
The baby inside her became bigger and kept on moving. We always feel the movement. We’ve seen how the small bump moved as it glided from left to right and every time it does we looked at each other then we laugh. My wife’s smiles, those were my energy.
Then one night, my wife woke me because she felt uneasy, always wanted to go to the bathroom and pee. She kept on doing that until she asked me what the date at that time was. When I made sure she was on the bed, I went to checked on the calendar then I saw there was a note saying “IT’S TIME MOMMY…” oh my gosh! That was her due date. She was about to give birth to our baby junior. So I rushed her to the hospital. I called my mom and my in-laws right away, because though I knew what to do, I still felt nervous. I thought, “…so this is the feeling of a dad to be.” My hands were shaking, I’ve been walking back and forth, frequently checking on my wife if she was fine or if she needed anything. God, that was like as if I was the one giving birth.
Hours passed, the doctor came out and said not yet. The contraction was still going on, that in their estimation another one hour has to pass then the baby would come out. The doctor also said that my wife and our baby were doing well. I felt relief and thanked God. But before the doctor went in, she told me that because it was the first baby, expect that the delivery wouldn’t be that easy. She also told me that she wasn’t expecting normal delivery plus the baby was somehow big.
I told the doctor’s news to everybody then my mom told me that it was normal. All of us were waiting for the doctor’s next news. I didn’t know but the feeling was not good at that time. I wanted to do was to see my wife. I wanted to be in that room and hold her hand. I wanted to give support to her. I also wanted to see how our baby boy would be like. The feeling of uneasiness got stronger.  Then, another hour passed the doctor came out.
“We’re having problem in the delivery room.” What could that be? I wanted to panic but chose not to. I had to be calm and composed myself. I tried to hide my hands that were shaking. “…the baby is fine and healthy but he’s not out yet. And your wife’s blood pressure is unstable. We knew that this could happen however we still trying our best to do everything to save both of them.” she added. I didn’t know what to think. The baby was fine. My wife was not. I started to ask God’s guidance. I prayed for my wife’s health and for the baby as well. “…oh God, could you give this one to me? Save my wife and my child. I don’t want to lose any of them. Please God, hear my prayer… please please please…”
The doctor came out again. She calmly walked towards me and asked her how was my wife doing? “…the baby still doing fine, he’s quite big. But your wife made a decision…” what decision?! What about that?! That’s how I asked myself while waiting for the doctor to tell me everything. “…she wants the baby to be saved.” The doctor said. “What?! What is going on??? You told me that you gonna do anything to save both of them. What is happening? I want them both! You hear me? I want both of them safe! I want to see her! I want to see my wife! Let me in!” they told me I lost my composure. I was screaming at the doctor. They said that was the first time they saw me at that state. Why wouldn’t I? I was losing my wife. “I am here to ask you, what would be your decision? Your baby or your wife? We have to act fast. We are losing time. Now I am going to ask you again, the mom or the baby?”
No point of having second thoughts. I wanted my wife. I knew that she would get mad at me for choosing her over the baby. But God! Yes the baby was important to me but she was more important than anybody else. I wanted her to be saved. Yes, we were going to lose the baby, but DAMN! Who cares in that room? We could adopt a child anytime as long as she’ll live.
What was I thinking? I didn’t want lose my child too. I didn’t know how I got inside the room. All I remember was I ran to see my wife. There were tears in her eyes. I cupped her face and kissed her deeply. “How are you?” I asked her.
 “I want the baby to be saved.” My wife said.
“..no sweetie, the doctor told me that they will do anything to save both of you. You hear me? Both of you. Now, I want you to calm yourself, have faith that everything will be fine. Alright?”
“You take care of yourself and the baby while I am away. Let him know how much I love him. I’ll be fine… think that I will be fine…”
“No! No! hush hush… you listen to me okay? You are going to survive and you are going to see the baby crying. You wanted to breastfeed him right? This is your chance honey. Please fight…”
“I’ve been fighting, and I still want to but my body won’t let me anymore. Please kiss our little boy for me. I love you very much. Very very very very much…” she was crying while she was saying those words. I could see trouble in her eyes. Seeing her in that way, I couldn’t bear anymore but I had to fight for her. I wanted her to live.
The nurses and doctor told me to step out of the room. I didn’t want to let go of her hand. “God, I don’t want to lose my wife. Please hear me, help my wife. Save her.” I was crying to the Lord. I was silently praying to the God.
Once again the doctor came out from the room. “The baby boy is out. He was out at exactly 6:47 PM. His weigh is 17 pounds and 8 ounces. Congratulations Mister you are finally a dad…” thank God… thank you God for giving me a healthy baby boy. “How about my wife how is she...” I anxiously asked. “your wife..” that was the longest three seconds of my life. Waiting for the next words the doctor about to say. “…she’s fine. She is saved. We almost lost her but she fought. She made it. She needs rest so we gave her something to help her feel fine. You can see both of them after we fix and transfer them in her room. Congratulations once again.”
I closed my eyes, grabbed my hands together and thanked God for saving my wife. She was saved. I thanked God while my eyes were tearing. After quite some time, they let us see my wife. She was still sleeping. I saw hardships in her face. I wanted to hug her but all I did was kissed her on her forehead. The nurse came in with the baby on her arms. The doctor was right. He’s a healthy boy. He’s so big. I took the baby from the nurse and carried him. My baby boy, finally I got to see him in flesh. He used to be in his mom’s womb. I kissed him on his forehead. He was so cute.
My wife’s eyes finally opened. She was awake. She was smiling at me. At us. She looked tired but fine. She still managed to be beautiful even in the middle of all these tragic events. She asked how the baby was. I asked if she wanted to carry our baby boy. She smiled and said “I love you… take care of him.” and she smiled at me again. I answered back and told her that we’re going to take care of our baby, just take a lot of rest so she’d be well in no time. Then she went back to sleep.
She didn’t open her eyes anymore. I didn’t know that she only woke up to say that she love me and to tell to take care of our baby boy. There was nothing I could do. God took her from me. From us. What else can I do. That was faith. One of God’s plans. All I did was cry. I have gave everything to the Lord.
I love her very much that there will be no chance of forgetting about her. She is my life. She is my hope. She is my everything. She gave me something that no one can ever replace. As our child grows, I will make sure that he will get all the love that his mom had for him and of course my love for him. He will grow just like the way his mom wanted to him be. He will grow that his mom always stays in his heart.
I know my wife is somewhere watching over us. He will never leave us. And I know that time would come that she and I will finally be together again.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Imagine the World Without

Have you ever imagine the world without a system
Like laws that makes our society in peace
A place that full of harmony and bliss
And where we can ease the blood, tears and sweat to increase

Have you ever imagine the world without music
Like beats that somehow makes our behavior in manic
Melodies that helps us to relieve our pain
That sometimes results of our vane

Have you ever imagine the world without knowledge
Like a society that education does not encourage
People are living like they’re on the cage
That the way for wisdom has no passage

Have you ever imagine the world without Ecosystems
Just like an extreme desert that is not capable for organisms
Where trees, plants and animals were never flourished
A planet like Mars that was never given a chance to nourish

Have you ever imagine the world without peace
A place where love is not a piece
Hatred, anger and violence can be pleased
A world that we live are totally pissed

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Twinkle Twinkle

Twinkle Twinkle in the land
How I wonder what they are
Buildings, Streets as well as Cars
Like a diamonds, strikes by light

Twinkle twinkle in the land
How I wonder why they are
Blinks at night, when they are not
Just an illusion, made by night

Twinkle twinkle in the land
Like a star that blinks at night 
Air that blows in space, we know
Might be the reason, of that sight


Longest Conversation I've Done to a Friend (Ken)

It has been three years when I met my friend Ken. He is a former engineering student, and now a Hotel and Restaurant Management student. He was my classmate in speech and oral communications. He became my friend for no reason. We didn't really had a friendly conversation or even a talk. It just happened to be that he is my friend for no reason.

Our conversation normally starts in Hi, Hello there, or hello pre, and ends with hey or hello.

He talk little, maybe due to his difficulty in Filipino Language. 

Today, I and Alyssa went in the library to study and to do our assignment. He is also there. He came to us, and asked me something. I answered. That conversation last less than a minute and he only said three to four sentences.

That was the longest conversation I had with him.

Communication, Language, and Culture

Why do we need to study communication and culture on our chosen field?
In your own words, how would you define culture?
How is language interrelated to culture
Explain the cultural relativism.
     1. Communication is a vital tool is our society. Without it, transfer of ideas will be impossible as well as the learning process and development among us. Culture is how people live in a certain society. It is anchored with the norms, customs, and traditions. We need to study communication and culture in order to understand the way of life of our students, to know how to deal with them and how to communicate to them successfully especially in teaching-learning process.
      2.Culture is the way of life and the totality of a person or society. Culture reflects the real face or identity of a certain group of people. Culture is dynamic and perpetually shifting in order to adapt into the changing world. Every society has a culture, no matter how simple the culture may be, and every human being is cultured in the sense of participating in some culture or other (Vega, V. 2009).

      3.Just like culture, Language also serves as the identity of a certain race. We could easily identify or know the persons behavior or race by hearing the way they speak, the language they uses and the words they  say or write. Behavior is a product of culture.
      4.Cultural relativism is a principle that was established as axiomatic in anthropological research by Franz Boas in the first few decades of the 20th century and later popularized by his students. Boas first articulated the idea in 1887: "...civilization is not something absolute, but ... is relative, and ... our ideas and conceptions are true only so far as our civilization goes." However, Boas did not coin the term. (Wikipedia.org,2012)

      Self-identity usually depends on culture to such a great extent that immersion in a very different culture—with which a person does not share common ways of life or beliefs—can cause a feeling of confusion and disorientation. Anthropologists refer to this phenomenon as culture shock. In multicultural societies—societies such as the United States into which people come from a diversity of cultures—unshared forms of culture can also lead to tension.

      Members of a society who share culture often also share some feelings of ethnocentrism, the notion that one’s culture is more sensible than or superior to that of other societies. Ethnocentrism contributes to the integrity of culture because it affirms people’s shared beliefs and values in the face of other, often contradictory, beliefs and values held by people of other cultural backgrounds. At its worst, ethnocentrism has led people to commit ethnocide, the destruction of cultures, and genocide, the destruction of entire populations. This happened, for example, to Jews living in Nazi Germany in the 1940s (see Holocaust; National Socialism).

     Anthropologists, knowing the power of ethnocentrism, advocate cross-cultural understanding through a concept known as cultural relativism. Someone observing cultural relativism tries to respect all cultures equally. Although only someone living within a group that shares culture can fully understand that culture, cultural relativists believe that outsiders can learn to respect beliefs and practices that they do not share.

      However, most anthropologists believe that cultural relativism has its limits. In theory, an extreme relativist would uncritically accept the practices of all cultures, even if those practices harm people. For example, anthropologists have debated over whether they should accept or approve of the practice of female circumcision, performed in many African societies. Female circumcision involves removing part or all of a woman’s labia and clitoris and is usually performed on girls entering adolescence. This practice is painful, and often harmful, to the women of societies that perform it, but many of those societies claim that the practice is important and deeply rooted in their culture. (Bodley, John H. "Culture." Microsoft® Encarta® 2009 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2008)

Five Reasons of Break ups / Limang Dahilan ng Hiwalayan

by Ruth 

Sino nga ba o ano ba ang rason kung nagkakahiwalay ang mga magsing-irog? May mga kaso ba na hindi na talaga kayang malutas? Baka naman pwede pang mapag-usapan. Kaso sabi ng iba, kapag sobra na, hindi na dapat pinalalampas. Dapat matapos na daw ang dapat matapos. Pero paano kung may mga bagay na dapat munang mabigyan ng eksplenasyon? Makikinig ka pa ba at bibigyan isa pa ng panibagong chance, o ibibigay mo na ang salitang “BAHALA KA SA BUHAY MO! PAGOD NA KO”.

Top Five Reasons bakit sila nagkakahiwalay.

5. Isip bata siya eh…

Madalas naman sa isang relasyon hindi pwedeng mawalan ng BABY BUBOT. Siyempre, ang kadalasang nagpapa-baby ay ang mga babae. Pero acceptable yan. Ang babae kasi inaalagaan at hindi pinababayaan. Kahit na nga madalas na mas matanda ang babae kaysa sa lalaki makikita pa rin natin na pa-baby effect si girl. But, However, Nevertheless, kung si boy naman ang nagpapa-baby, ay naku po. Ibang usapan na yan. Okay lang naman na maging isip bata minsan. Gets niyo un? “MINSAN”… at hindi MADALAS… pero kung pareho kayong bata pa at sa malamang mga isip niyo talaga ay bata, hindi magwo-work iyan. Only 4 out 10 lovers ang tumatagal. Baka nga hindi pa apat. Kadugtong pa niyan, kapag may isang pa-baby sa relasyon, sa malamang mayroong SPOILED BRAT.. (charoz) spoiled lang. Yan ang ayaw natin sa isang relasyon. Dapat alam ng bawat isa ang limitasyon. Hindi porke’t kayang ibigay ay lagi na lang ibibigay. Hindi siya isang 1year old na dapat ay ibibigay lahat. Malaki na siya, at kaya na niyang maglakad at subuan ang sarili niya kahit nakapikit pa. Ano ba kasi ang dapat na maging behavior? ANSWER: BE SUPPORTIVE (para sa mature) AND RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH (para sa mga pa-baby).

GROW UP!!! Hindi ka si Bonjing.

4. Ang LABO (miscommunication)

Ang labu-labuan effect nasa kalagitnaan yan ng relasyon (depende yan kung gaano kabilis para makarating sa KALAGITNAAN). Imposibleng sa unang kabanata ng relasyon yan. BAKIT? Kasi diba kapag bago palang mag BFGF mga nagboblahan pa. Nandiyan ang sweetness. Kurutan, yakapan, halik na parang nagtutukaan. Pareho kayong nag-a-agree sa isa’t isa. On the contrary, on the otherhand, dahil sa kaka-agree hindi na pala namamalayan na hindi pala feel ng isa sa inyo ang idea. Oo lang ng oo para hindi masaktan ang PRIDE o EGO yet deep inside, hindi pala talaga siya agree (ano un naaawa?)

Meron naman isang case ng Malabo ay iyong tipong napaguspan na pala at pareho kayong nag oo, but then the last minute nagbabago ang isip. Meron pang isa, Malabo siya kasi pinag-iisipan ka ng iba. May bahid ng selos. Madalas pagbibintangan ka dahil lang sa mga kwento o kaya naman sa maling nakita. (MALISYOSO!!!) Sa mga ganitong tipo ng relasyon, usong uso dito yung may komprontasyon na mangyayari pero hindi naman maniniwala. So saan sila hahantong? Edi sa hiwalayan. Ito naman ang mga taong walang isang salita. Sila yung hindi nagtitiwala. May history kung bakit sila ganyan. Pwedeng madalas sila naloloko at nadala. Pwede rin naman na maingat (sumobra nga lang) ang tingin tuloy parang walang trust kay partner. Ang pagkakaroon ng miscommunication ay madalas na nangyayari yan sa mga magsing irog. (so what more sa LDR o Long distance relationship) TUUUMUUUH!!! Mas mahirap ang kalagayan niyo kung malayo kayo sa isa’t isa tapos may misundertandings pa at miscommunication. Kung sakaling mag-a-away kayo pwede na isa inyo ibaba ang telepono o kaya naman patayan ka ng computer at saka na lang kayo magusap. (OUCHNESS ITEY..)

Payo lamang po. If you are getting into a relationship, don’t be afraid to let your voice be heard. If you don’t agree then say it out loud but in a nice way. (wag yung pabulyaw!!!) You know him/her well than we do. Kung iintindihin niyo ang sasabihin ng isa’t isa edi walang LABO LABO. Sabi nga walang problema ang hindi naso-solusyunan ng maayos na usapan. Alam naman natin ang ibig sabihin ng OPEN MINDED hindi po ba? Mas maigi pa na pahupain ang init ng away muna bago may mga salitang lumabas na hindi naman dapat.

3. Jelling jelling… (Jealous)

Matakot ka kapag ang BFGF mo hindi nagseselos (meaning hindi ka mahal). Pero matakot ka kung sobrang selos naman (nakakamatay yan). Ayos lang naman ang magselos kasi nagmamahal. Huwag nga lang yung sobra. Sabi nga nila, mahirap kaaway ang taong nagseselos. Kahit ano gagawin mabuking ka lang. Nandiyan yung kapag hindi makuha sa isang usapan, dadaanin ka pa sa bonggang sundan. Susundan ka kahit saan ka pa makarating. Kung mayaman pa yan magha-hire yan ng private detective.

Mayroong selos na hindi halata, meron naman na mild jealous Lang, at meron din naman major major jealous. Possessive ang tawag dun. Kahit kanino pwedeng mangyari. Sabi nila masama daw na magselos ang mga lalaki? Pero… mas masama daw magselos ang mga babae. Once na nagselos sila, they tend to be so unpredictable. Meron naman nagseselos kasi takot sa multong ginagawa (meaning sila ang may ginagawang HOKUSPOKUS).

Meron din naman na kapag nasanay na dalawa lang kayo, then all of the sudden may mababago. Yun bang tipong may bago kang mundo kaya less na ang time ninyo together. Ang mahirap pa niyan may pagkaisip bata si Partner na hindi mo mapaliwanagan na hindi lang sa kanya pwede umikot ang mundo mo.

Heto naman ang mas madalas mangyari. Konting kibot selos. Nakita ka lang na may kausap, magseselos. Nakita ka lang na nagtetext at kasama naman siya, titingin sa cellphone biglang magtatanong at mananahimik tapos biglang magseselos. Mapalingon ka lang magseselos. May family gathering ka na dadaluhan magseselos. Ultimo ba naman pamilya pagseselosan? (nangyayari yan). Hindi pwedeng ganyan teh. Nasaan ang tiwala? Nawawala?

Ayos lang na magselos basta nasa lugar. Wala naman nagbabawal eh. Kaya nga may salitang SELOS dahil ginawa din yan ng Diyos kaakibat ng emosyon natin. Ang selos ay hindi pinalalaki at pinaabot pa sa hiwalayan. Kung maari naman na mapag usapan bakit hindi? Kelangan lang maging OPEN MINDED. REMINDER po sa mga lover ng mga nagseselos alam na nga ninyo na nagseselos sila bakit hindi niyo pa lubayan yung mga bisyo niyo kung meron man. At kung sa tingin niyo na nagseselos sila sa mga pinag gagawa niyo, bakit hindi niyo tigilan kung pwede naman tigilan. Tao lang din naman sila at nasasaktan. Kung talagang mahal niyo at mahalaga sila, be understanding. Kailangan timbangin natin ang mga bagay na tolerable at hindi. Alam naman natin sa mga sarili natin kung tama o hindi ang mga pinag gagawa natin. Kaya nga may sari-sarili tayong mga pag-iisip ay para gamitin. At isa pa, ang mga bagay bagay sa mundo lahat ay nakadepende sa sitwasyon.

Para naman po sa mga taong seloso o selosa ng ubod po dyaan, hindi po dahil natural na sa relasyon ang selos, ito na po ang lagi nating paiiralin. Hindi healthy sa isang relasyon kung puno ito ng pagdududa. Ito lang naman po ang formula nyan eeh. RESPECT+ TRUST= LOVE. Kung mayroon pa kayong formula on how to make your relationship stronger why don’t you apply to solve problems. Hindi po nagiging successful ang isang relasyon kung immaturity po ang paiiralin natin.

2. Fall out of love…

Kahit pa gaano katagal ang relasyon, darating at darating din ang katapusan kahit na ilang taon niyo pa sinabing mahal na mahal niyo ang isa’t isa at walang makakapag hiwalay sa inyo (pwedeng bolahan o seryoso). Madami din na reason kung bakit nagpo-fall out ang isang tao sa isang relasyon. Pwedeng dahil, may nakita na siyang iba unexpectedly (ouch yun). O kaya naman, dahil sa napagod na siya kaya sumuko na.

Kung in denial ka pwede mong sabihin na nagpapahinga lang (cool off bansag nga nila). Maraming rason kung bakit nangyayari yan. Ang mahirap, nafall out ka na nga, pero patuloy pa rin ang relasyon. Mahirap lokohin ang sarili. Lalo na ang puso mo. Kung pipilitin mo, masasaktan ka lang at masasakal. Hindi pwedeng one sided love ang relasyon. Dapat pareho kayong nagmamahalan. If you think that you are falling out of love, why not take a break. Cool off. Consider it. It could be painful, but if heals what is broken then why not? Wag ka lang sana while you are in “cool off” stage eh saka ka naman ma fall in love sa iba. Unfair yun. Pero siyempre, life is very unpredictable anything could happen. Pag sinabi nating cool off unang papasok sa isipan nating lahat na wala munang communication sa isa’t isa, pahinga muna at walang pressure. Ang cool off it takes time before the couple get back together.

Ngunit sabi nga natin na ang buhay ng tao ay masyadong mahiwaga. Hindi natin alam kung ano ibibigay sa atin na pagsubok. Just be fair enough if ever na mawala na ang feelings mo sa isang tao.

1. Not meant to be…

Kung hindi kayo… edi hindi kayo… yun lang yun.. wag na natin pahabain pa ang usapan… hindi ka para sa kanya. Hindi din siya para sayo. Move on… move on… wag na bitter. Wala nang gantihan, remember the golden saying… karma… if you want karma, go for the good one. Bawat isa sa atin ay may mga taong nakalaan. Yung tama lang.

Ang mga relasyon na “not meant to be”, that is always makes you stronger. Makes you a good fighter. Also makes you a good follower (ni God). In addition to that, the “not meant to be” relationships are meant to happen. Huhubugin ka (pati pag iisip mo).

Tanong lang ahh, do you honestly believe na age doesn’t matter when you fall in love? Sagot ko diyan, it does. It really does and I call it age of maturity. You just have to stay positive. Good vibes. Marami pa diyan.. hindi lang siya nag-iisa. Sabi nga nila, if one door closed, just wait, because another door will open for you (pumasok ka kagad). Once you’ve moved on, baka hindi mo namamalayan friends pa kayo ni “not meant to be”. Remember yung song ni REGINE VELASQUEZ? Tinawag pa niyang friend ung nanakit sa kanya. That is life…

God has planned everything before we even think about it. All we have to do is to make the most out of everything in this life. Don’t complicate things if we can make it simple.

So, there you have it, the top five reasons… basta stay positive… remember the GOOD KARMA…

NOTE TO AVOID ALL THESE, make sure fix everything up before you both go to bed. Wag na niyo paabutin pa kinabukasan ang bagay na maayos naman ngayon. When you guys talk about problems, talk maturely, open minded and be calm. Believe me... it works... kung ayaw ninyo kantahin ang kantang "Mad At You ni Ne Yo"

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Classification of Terms

According to Comprehension
According to Extension
According to Origin
According to Relation
According to Meaning
                In pronunciation and Spelling
According to Quality
                Positive in form, positive in meaning
                Positive in form negative in meaning
                Negative in form, Negative in meaning
    Negative in form, positive in meaning
According to Object

Friday, July 13, 2012

Stupendous Life

Being a person, we’re all vulnerable to everything,  
In pain, glee, success and failure  
Life is easy, but  
Living is another story.

Patience, is one of life’s must-have  
Along this journey, where unexpected things  
Tend to come over, that giving up seems to be an option,  
Retreat, but I can’t,

Inside myself
Comes a better feeling  
Knowing that someday;
Many good things will ensue.

Faithful that we are  
Alive and living, in a  
Merrily milieu, that
In the humanity had been keep.

Living in this world is exciting,  
Anything happens arbitrarily.
Rather to define life negatively,  
Allow me to delineate it stupendously.

Two different points of views

When I was a kid, I always think why people have different perception of life. I keep asking myself why it is like that. During my elementary years, many of my classmates often been absent in the class, some didn’t even return for good. There was a time that I met my old classmate in the market and I asked why he didn’t go to school for weeks. He answered me, he said “Indi ey ako ging sugtan ni papa mageskwela, siling nida, maarado yangey ako sa boker” (My father wouldn’t allowed me anymore to attend to school, It might be good if I help him in the farm) –he is Ariel. I felt sad for him. That was the time when I realized that not all of us are blessed to be living in a normal and stable life. There was also a friend of mine that happened to be belongs in a well-off family in our province. Not different from my other classmates, he is always absent. Not because his father wouldn’t want to, but he prefer be. He doesn’t want to go to school. He is wasting the allowance that his parents are giving to him. When I ask why he is doing that, he said “Meron nga akong pera, nasusunod ng mga magulang ko ang aking luho, pero wala naman sila sa tabi ko kung kailangan ko sila” (I have money, my parents can buy me whatever I want, but they are not here for me when I needed them). 

Every one of us has different perceptions in life. There are times that we avoid to hear the comments of other people. But even though we stick in our what we so called PRIDE, there is still some times that we let those to be thrown away to adapt for the betterment of our lives and with the help of our friends.