Sunday, March 19, 2023

Whispering Shadows

I am the shadow from behind,
Always wondering what's on your mind,
Longing for you always on my sight,
Wondering if you'd allow me, if I might?

My voices that you're ignoring,
Leaves me in the limbo wandering,
Can you please see me as I am looking,
Behind you as you are walking?

I know you're busy with your life,
But I can't help but feel this strife,
I long to talk, to laugh, to share,
But you don't seem to be aware.

I beg you to hear my voice,
And let me enter your life by choice,
I promise to be gentle and kind,
And cherish you with all my heart and mind.

I'm not just a shadow, a mere reflection,
But a person with a heart, a soul, and affection,
Please give me a chance, to show you who I am,
And I'll prove to you, that I'm not just a shadow, a mere scam.

My heart beats faster every time you're near,
And I wish that you could just hear,
The love that's waiting here for you,
The passion, the fire, burning bright and true.

I'll wait for you, in the shadows of the night,
Hoping that someday, you might see the light,
And realize that the love you seek,
Has been right here, all along, waiting to peak.

I don't need fancy words, or grand gestures,
Just a simple chance, to show you my treasures,
The love, the kindness, the care,
All that I have, I'll give to you, my fair.

So here I am, still in the shadows,
Watching as you come and go,
Hoping that someday, you might see,
The love that's waiting here for thee.

Until that day, I'll keep on dreaming,
And keep on hoping, and keep on believing,
That one day, you'll turn around,
And see me here, waiting, without a sound.

And if that day should ever come,
I'll hold you close, and never let you run,
Together we'll walk, in the light of day,
And the shadows of the past, will fade away.

So, until then, I'll wait and see,
Hoping that one day, you'll notice me,
And let me into your heart and soul,
And together, we'll become whole.

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