Friday, March 15, 2024

The Curse of the Forgotten Curtains (A Short Story)

I woke up one morning feeling a blaze from the heat of the sun. I am furious with myself that I have forgotten to close the blackout curtains in my windows. I got up soaked with sweat even though my air conditioner unit was on. I started questioning myself why I forgot to do that simplest thing that I usually do before going to sleep. While I was walking towards the bathroom to take a hot shower, I decided to brew coffee that would give me energy that was stolen by that stupid morning. But damn! I ran out of coffee beans. So, I took my shower and got dressed. Feeling irritated, I headed to the nearest convenience store near my apartment.  

As I was walking in the alley, I noticed that somebody was following me. I walked faster just to make sure that person was following me or not. My thoughts were proven wrong. Maybe it was just the effect that I hadn’t had my coffee to think reasonably.  I reached the store, and a homeless old man opened the door for me. I looked at him and noticed that he looked like he hadn't had his breakfast. Based on his looks, he resembled one of my relatives from the province. I was moved by his situation and decided to buy him a sandwich too for him to have breakfast. I picked up my on-the-go coffee-in-a-bottle and proceeded to the cashier to pay. I handed the sandwich to the old man and his face turned happy with a big smile on his face. He thanked me as I left. 

As I took my coffee while I was waiting for my company shuttle bus to arrive at the bus station, I had some realizations. First, we take all the things that we have for granted. Second, a small act of kindness can ripple outwards, creating waves of positivity you never anticipated. That smile on the old man's face warmed me more than the coffee I was holding. Maybe that's why I forgot the curtains – the universe, in its own mysterious way, was nudging me outside to perform a good deed. 

As I sipped my coffee, phone in hand, an alert buzzed on the screen. It was a notification from my bank – an unexpected deposit for the exact amount I spent on the coffee and sandwich. I furrowed my brow, confused. Glancing around, I saw no one who might be the benefactor. Perhaps it was the old man, I thought, a strange but heartwarming possibility. The idea sparked a flame of curiosity within me. 

Just then, the familiar rumble of the approaching shuttle bus interrupted my musings. I boarded the bus, the mystery of the money swirling in my mind. As I settled into my seat, a glint of something on the floor caught my eye. A small, worn package sat nestled beside me. Curiosity piqued, I reached down and picked it up. It wasn't addressed, but a single slip of paper peeked out from a seam. I carefully unfolded it, revealing a single line written in familiar, scratchy handwriting: "Good deeds are always rewarded." A grin stretched across my face. Maybe forgetting the curtains wasn't such a bad thing after all. 

The bus moved forward, carrying me not just to work, but towards a day filled with newfound curiosity. The kindness of strangers and the strange way the universe works now held a deeper meaning for me. The mystery of the old man and the unexpected payment hung in the air, a reminder that even the smallest choices can spark extraordinary experiences. I clutched the package tightly, a tangible reminder of the ripple effects my simple act had created. Who knew what other surprises this day, or the ones that followed, might hold? 

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