Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Goodbye: The Linguistic Evolution from ‘God Be with Ye’

Goodbye is not derived from Good and Bye. It started as a statement that was thrown together from "God be with you". Shakespeare used three alternative spellings in 1600: "Good Bu'y," "God buy'ye," and "God b'uy." This example of linguistic development shows how language is a living, evolving thing.

The way the word "Goodbye" changed from the original phrase "God be with you" illustrates how language is dynamic. Although "Goodbye" is not the only example of language development, it serves as a metaphor for how words and expressions have changed and evolved throughout time. It depicts the complex history of language, where words can change in phonetics and orthography over the course of time.

Shakespeare used the spellings "Good Bu'y," "God buy'ye," and "God b'uy," which provide an example of the linguistic fluidity of the 17th century. This variation in spelling emphasizes the absence of uniform conventions at the time and illustrates the interdependence between pronunciation and written representation.

It's also fascinating to think about how this change came about in a time when oral communication dominated. The transition from "God be with you" to "Goodbye" serves as an example of how language may capture the historical and cultural settings in which it is employed, creating a live record of our always-changing human experiences.

The development of "Goodbye" also illuminates the connection between language and culture. The evolution of the phrase "God be with you" from a religious to a secular and commonplace "Goodbye" demonstrates societal changes over time. Expressions like "Goodbye" have become a part of common speech in a more modern, more secular world, divorced from their original religious roots.

In this way, language reflects the ideals and worldviews of the society in which it is employed. It adjusts to fit each era's prevalent norms, priorities, and practices. This tendency, illustrated by the evolution of "Goodbye," exemplifies how language functions as a dynamic mirror of the changing human experience.

It's critical to understand that this language change is not confined to a single word; rather, it reflects a more general transformation of human speech, thought, and interaction. The evolution of "Goodbye" is a microcosm of how language is ever evolving, which in turn reflects how complicated human history and society are.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Echoes of Conflict

In a land where history's pages fray,
The Israel-Palestine conflict holds its sway,
A tale of sorrow, deeply intertwined,
With roots in the past and beliefs maligned.

In the daylight's glare, events took shape,
The Supernova Festival, a heart-wrenching escape,
A concert attacked, in broad daylight,
A moment of horror, in the sun's warm light.

But on October 7, a dark cloud did descend,
As Gaza's militants broke through, with no amend,
Firing thousands of rockets, a relentless stream,
Into Israeli towns, a nightmarish dream.

They breached the fortified fence, a bold incursion,
Sending militants deep into Israeli territory, a grave excursion,
Hamas gunmen, their intent unspoken,
Took hostages, lives shattered, the heartbroken.

Over 1,400 people fell to this assault,
A tragedy unfolding, a devastating result,
Civilians and soldiers, in the chaos' wake,
Their lives were taken, for humanity's sake.

This attack, unprecedented, a change of tide,
In Israeli streets, where battles did collide,
Not seen since '48, a different war's core,
A terror attack of magnitude, the likes not seen before.

Children, the elderly, among the hostages they bore,
A grim chapter in history, a darkness to explore,
Hamas, they claimed, prepared for two long years,
For this operation, their reasons, their fears.

"Al-Aqsa Storm," they named their endeavor,
A response, they said, to assaults they couldn't sever,
The desecration of Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem's sacred site,
And Gaza's ongoing siege, in their fight.

The aftermath, a somber toll it took,
In Israel's territory, where lives forlornly shook,
1,500 Hamas fighters, inside Israel were found,
A tragedy profound, a mournful battleground.

In this tangled tale, where sorrow's bell does chime,
May the future bring peace, one day, in time,
A longing for an end to the violence and despair,
In this conflict's heart, where hope is still in the air.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Starry, Starry Night v2

Starry, starry night, to whom it shines so bright,
For travelers and dreamers, a celestial sight,
Guiding those in need, high up in the sky,
A beacon of hope when life's questions make us sigh.

Lights from the blue, they're tales of the past,
Millions of years for their journey to last,
A glimpse of history, can it ever truly last?
A ghost of time's echo, fading so fast.

Stars that blink, illusions in the air,
Dust suspended, their secrets rare,
In the midst of this beautiful, starry, starry night,
Life and death dance, in the soft moonlight.

Amidst the boundless canvas of the night,
Where stars shine bright, their guiding light,
I ponder life’s tapestry, woven with threads,
Of sadness, longing, where both life and death treads.

In this starry, starry night, I gaze above,
Seeking answers and solace, a message of love,
The past may linger, distant and vast,
Yet hope still shines, transcending the past.

Stars that twinkle in the midnight’s embrace,
Illusions of time and dust in space,
Yet their beauty, a reminder, steadfast and clear,
That life’s journey carries both joy and tears.

In the starry, starry night, we find our way,
Amidst the darkness, we’ll see the light of day,
In sadness and longing, we’ll learn to cope,
For life keeps moving forward, giving us hope.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Unspoken Melodies

In 2017, by the chapel,
You'd see,
A distant admiration,
A mystery to me.

You’re my favorite,
The one who brings delight,
With you, my world’s aglow,
So brilliantly bright.

Our meetups, though brief,
I eagerly await,
Even if it seemed.
You weren’t equally elate.

I’d find excuses,
Just to be near your grace,
In your presence,
My heart found its special place.

Once, the ocean’s beauty
Would suffice,
Now, I yearn to watch it with you,
My paradise.

I’d sing songs on Facebook,
Meant for your ears,
But expressing my feelings,
I battled with fears.

Nonetheless, I’m content,
As friends, we’ll remain,
I hope you won’t ignore,
Don’t cause me more pain.

I’m sorry, I’m persistent,
I can be a pest,
But it’s because I care,
I must confess.

When asked,
“One song you relate to?” I’d say,
“I Like You So Much And You’ll Know It,”
In my own way.

Now, my favorite tunes are
“Pahinga” and “Kung Pwede Lang,”
As I pour out these unspoken words,
In this heartfelt song.

In those moments we shared,
Laughter would ensue,
Time spent with you felt too short,
It’s true.

Your smile, a beacon,
In my darkest night,
With you,
The world felt perfectly right.

But life’s path is winding,
Takes its own course,
Our connection’s grown distant,
It’s taken its course.

I’ve learned to release
The obsession’s grip,
Embrace the journey,
No matter how it may flip.

It’s not about possession
Or dreams that won’t cease,
It’s cherishing memories,
Finding inner peace.

So, here’s to you, my dear friend,
Forever in my heart,
No matter where we are,
We’ll never truly part.

Our story continues,
Though in a different light,
In the chapters ahead,
Still beautiful and bright.

For in friendship,
I’ve found a love that’s so pure,
And these unspoken words,
I’ll forever ensure.