Saturday, June 24, 2023

Casting Shadows

In the stillness of a sleepless night,
Anxiety grips me, taking flight.
My mind wanders, overthinking it all,
Lost in the void, where shadows fall.

I feel like I'm stuck in between,
No one hears my voice, though I am keen.
Shouting inside, but no one can hear,
Casting shadows, unnoticed, I fear.

Invisible, I pass through the crowd,
A silent plea, lost in the shroud.
Yet shadows dance upon the wall,
Unseen, unheard, I stand tall.

In this realm of whispered woes,
Yearning for connection, my heart knows,
But the shadows remain, unseen, ignored,
My silent cries were left unexplored.

Yet within despair, hope finds its way,
A flickering light, a chance to sway.
Embracing shadows, I release the blame,
Seeking strength, rising above the shame.

Though my voice may quiver, unsure and weak,
I'll keep casting shadows, finding what I seek.
For in the darkness, resilience resides,
And from these shadows, I'll bravely stride.

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