Friday, July 29, 2016

Five Basic Rights of a State

The right of existence and self-defense
A right of a state to be recognized by other states and a right to protect itself from the aggressors.

The right of sovereignty and independence
A right wherein a state could practice its power to rule its own independent government.

The right of equality
A right to that acknowledges that every state is equal and no one is superior to the other. 

The right of property and jurisdiction
A right of the state to own a property inside and outside the states’ territory and exercise its power within its properties.

The right of legation or diplomatic intercourse
A right of every state to send and appoint a diplomatic personnel to other states that would ensure the diplomatic ties through agreements and treaties. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

13 Points of SONA 2016

July 25, 2016 | Manila – President Rodrigo Duterte delivered his first State of the Nation Address also known as SONA in Batasang Pambansa, Quezon City. His first SONA marks as the first unorthodox address that does not dwell on the past as what the known commentators said.

Here are the thirteen important highlights of his address consolidated by ABS-CBN News.

1. The War on Drugs
“We will not stop, until the last drug lord, the last financer, and the last pusher, have surrendered and put behind bars… or below the ground, they so wish. Do not do drugs."

2. Human Rights
“Human Rights… must work to uplift human dignity. But human rights cannot be used as an excuse or shield to destroy the country.

3. West Philippine Sea Disputes
“We strongly affirm and respect the outcome of the case before the Permanent Court of Arbitration as an important on the ongoing efforts to pursue the peaceful resolution and management of our disputes.”

4. Ceasefire with the Rebels
“I am now announcing a unilateral ceasefire with the CCP, NPA, NBF.”

5. Taxation Reform
“We will lower personal and corporate income tax...”

6. Reproductive Health
“The implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law must be put into full force and in effect.”

7. Traffic in Metro Manila
“The revival of the Pasig River Ferry Service System is a viable option… For the LRT, the operating hours shall be extended from 9:30PM to 10:30PM… So marami pang mga batang uuwi n’yan (Because many students are still going home at that time).”

8. Airport Decongestion
“Different approaches are being considered to decongest NAIA including the possible transfer of the general aviation… I’m offering Sangley Point… kasi kaiihihan ko ang isang runway (because I can’t hold my pee on a traffic runway), I can make a brand new runway there. I assure you.”


10. Cutting the Red Tape
“Processing time in issuing permits and licenses shall be reduced to the barest minimum. In my City (Davao City), it is only three days for the local government.”

11. Media Killings
“This government does not condone violence and repression of media…”

12. Improve Internet Speed
“I have also ordered the newly created DICT, Information and Communication Technology to develop National Broadband Plan to accelerate the deployment of the fiber optics, cables and wires and other technologies to improve internet speed…”

13. Free Wi-Fi Access
"Wi-Fi access shall be provided at no charge in selected public places including parks, plazas, public libraries, schools, government hospitals, train stations, airports, and seaports. Di ba (isn’t it)?"

Monday, July 18, 2016

10 Pieces of Wisdom from Confucius - Explained

1. It does not matter how slow you go, as long as you do not stop.
When you like someone, you should be patient enough to wait until the right moment that come. There are no such thing as “fast track” when you what to deal in a serious relationship with someone else. Patience is really a virtue, but if you quit before you succeed you will lose the battle of your life.

2. Never establish friendship who is not more virtuous than you.
Always go with the person who has higher visions and aspirations than you. They could help you to become more successful in life.

3. When you are angry, think about the consequences.
Do not let your emotions overpower you. Let your anger subside and clear-up your mind before you confront what made you angry.

4. If it is clear you can’t achieve your goals, do not change your goal - change your actions.
When you can’t achieve your goals, don’t quit. Think, what made you not accomplishing anything. Ask yourself, “Am I doing it right? What are the things that I can do to make things right?” – Just never give up.

5. If you hate, then you’ve been defeated.
Do not let your angry emotion consumes you. Learn to forgive but never forget, by that, you will learn how to deal with the person who made you angry so you could still live in peace. Remember, there are always someone around you who always want you to see down.

6. Noble person makes demands on themselves, lesser people make demands on others.
Intelligent person always seek answers to the questions by himself as he is capable enough to look for it. Do not be dependent to others in solving your own problems, or to do things that you can really do. Be considerate, people around you have other matters that they need to deal with.

7. Whatever you do in life, do it with all your heart.
Love what you are doing. If you can’t be happy on the things that you are working with, leave it. You can’t be a progressive and punctual for your job. You should consider changing your career look for something that will you love.

8. Give guidance only to those who have acknowledged their ignorance and seek knowledge.
On one of Jason Mraz songs, Mr. Curiosity said “… to think there is nothing wrong is the problem…” Some people are just thinking that they know everything which in reality they don’t know any.
Person who doesn’t acknowledge their weakness can’t accept help from others. They were swallowed by their pride thus making them can’t accept their mistakes. Don’t waste your time to the person who doesn’t listen to your guidance. Just make them feel that they need one by doing your things better than them.

9. Extravagance in small things will bring a great cause to ruin.
Live in a simple and modest life even you have anything that most people doesn’t have. Do not show to everyone your golden chest that might bring you in danger. (ikaw din, sa kakalabas mo ng cellphone mo sa jeep baka mahold-up ka pa)

10. If people spit at your back, it means you’re ahead.

Do not listen to the negative words that people around you may say. They are just some jealous folks who wanted the things that you have. Just don’t mind them.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

PH Education System Towards Better Tomorrow

Philippine Education system has been gone to various paradigm shift and developments, from informal to formal system. We could see that there are huge differences among the education system that the country have used since then.

It is almost Five years since the first implementation of the enhanced basic education program. We saw changes of the curriculum and the grading system that the teachers are using. BEC to RBEC and now the K12 Curriculum. Grading system also undergone into various transformation, since then, teachers used numeric grades to assess the learners’ progress until the KPUP grading system was introduced on academic year 2014-2015 with letter grade used as the final rating of the students’ progress until discontinued a year later and replaced with WWPTQA grading system. (READ: New system; is this the key to a quality education?)

Changes are foreseeable and unstoppable, so teachers are continuously undergo trainings, workshops and seminars keep them competent to handle the changes on the system.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

PH Wins Arbitration Case Against China

A map showing the maritime disputes over West Philippine Sea.
The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague ruled in favor to the Philippines over the maritime disputes in West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) versus Peoples Republic of China (China), Tuesday July 12, 2016. The Court also concluded that the claim of China over the contested body of waters and its islets, islands and shoals through the Nine-Dashed Line and through historic rights has no legal basis.  

“The Tribunal concluded that there was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to resources within the sea areas falling within the ‘nine-dash line,” 
“Having found that none of the features claimed by China was capable of generating an exclusive economic zone, the Tribunal found that it could—without delimiting a boundary—declare that certain sea areas are within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, because those areas are not overlapped by any possible entitlement of China,” 
From the statement released to the media

The Tribunal also stated that China violated the sovereign rights of the Philippines.

“Having found that certain areas are within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, the Tribunal found that China had violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in its exclusive economic zone by (a) interfering with Philippine fishing and petroleum exploration, (b) constructing artificial islands and (c) failing to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing in the zone,”
“The Tribunal further held that Chinese law enforcement vessels had unlawfully created a serious risk of collision when they physically obstructed Philippine vessels,”

The President of China, Xi Jinping rejected the decision of PCA which will lead to a lasting implications over the region. 

The Philippines filed its case in Permanent Court of Arbitration on January 2013 after a stiff standoff on Bajo de Masinloc (Scarborough shoal) in April 2012 between Chinese and Philippines ships.


The Philippines made 15 Submissions in these proceedings, requesting the Tribunal to find that:
(1) China’s maritime entitlements in the South China Sea, like those of the Philippines, may not extend beyond those expressly permitted by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea;

(2) China’s claims to sovereign rights jurisdiction, and to “historic rights”, with respect to the maritime areas of the South China Sea encompassed by the so-called “nine-dash line” are contrary to the Convention and without lawful effect to the extent that they exceed the geographic and substantive limits of China’s maritime entitlements expressly permitted by UNCLOS;

(3) Scarborough Shoal generates no entitlement to an exclusive economic zone or continental shelf;

(4) Mischief Reef, Second Thomas Shoal, and Subi Reef are low-tide elevations that do not generate entitlement to a territorial sea, exclusive economic zone or continental shelf, and are not features that are capable of appropriation by occupation or otherwise;

(5) Mischief Reef and Second Thomas Shoal are part of the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of the Philippines;

(6) Gaven Reef and McKennan Reef (including Hughes Reef) are low-tide elevations that do not generate entitlement to a territorial sea, exclusive economic zone or continental shelf, but their low-water line may be used to determine the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Namyit and Sin Cowe, respectively, is measured;

(7) Johnson Reef, Cuarteron Reef and Fiery Cross Reef generate no entitlement to an exclusive economic zone or continental shelf;

(8) China has unlawfully interfered with the enjoyment and exercise of the sovereign rights of the Philippines with respect to the living and non-living resources of its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf;

(9) China has unlawfully failed to prevent its nationals and vessels from exploiting the living resources in the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines;

(10) China has unlawfully prevented Philippine fishermen from pursuing their livelihoods by interfering with traditional fishing activities at Scarborough Shoal;

(11) China has violated its obligations under the Convention to protect and preserve the marine environment at Scarborough Shoal, Second Thomas Shoal, Cuarteron Reef, Fiery Cross Reef, Gaven Reef, Johnson Reef, Hughes Reef and Subi Reef;

(12) China’s occupation of and construction activities on Mischief Reef:
(a) violate the provisions of the Convention concerning artificial islands, installations and structures;
(b) violate China’s duties to protect and preserve the marine environment under the Convention; and
(c) constitute unlawful acts of attempted appropriation in violation of the Convention;

(13) China has breached its obligations under the Convention by operating its law enforcement vessels in a dangerous manner, causing serious risk of collision to Philippine vessels navigating in the vicinity of Scarborough Shoal;

(14) Since the commencement of this arbitration in January 2013, China has unlawfully aggravated and extended the dispute by, among other things:
(a) interfering with the Philippines’ rights of navigation in the waters at, and adjacent to, Second Thomas Shoal;
(b) preventing the rotation and resupply of Philippine personnel stationed at Second Thomas Shoal;
(c) endangering the health and well-being of Philippine personnel stationed at Second Thomas Shoal; and (d) conducting dredging, artificial island-building and construction activities at Mischief Reef, Cuarteron Reef, Fiery Cross Reef, Gaven Reef, Johnson Reef, Hughes Reef and Subi Reef; and

(15) China shall respect the rights and freedoms of the Philippines under the Convention, shall comply with its duties under the Convention, including those relevant to the protection and preservation of the marine environment in the South China Sea, and shall exercise its rights and freedoms in the South China Sea with due regard to those of the Philippines under the Convention.