Saturday, July 11, 2015

REVIEW: Korean War

It is almost fifty years ago when the war between the two Koreas began. It rooted from the collapsed of the last Korean empire the Daehan-jeguk dated on 1909 when it was conquered by Japan.  The Korean territory was under by the military power of Japan for almost Thirty-five years.  By the year 1945, the Empire of Japan surrendered to the Allies. According to the conditions of Potsdam Declaration, Korea becomes independent. After the capitulate of Japan, the Korean peninsula is divided between Soviet and American occupation forces at the 38th parallel. In the year 1948, the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was established, Syngman Rhee as President in the South and Kim Il-sung as Premier in the North. June 25, 1950, North Korean troops open fire and cross the 38th parallel and Seoul was captured within three days. The Korean War begins. Many talks were made to settle it up, still no formal agreement was formed to have peace on the two Koreas. Until now, Korea is technically at war.

Last  November 23, 2010 North Korea attacked the island of Yeonpyeong  near to their disputed territorial boarder killing two soldiers and leaved at least 14 injured civilians. The government of The United States robustly condemns this attack and calls on North Korea to stop its aggressive deed,” the White House said. (BLOOMBERG NEWS by Jonathan Tirone - Nov 23, 2010 11:38 PM GMT+08.).   
Days after the attack, countless joint military exercises were held by the US and South Korean Army to show that they were not threatened by the bombing. The government ordered the youth to undergo military training to prepare whether the tension get hot.  Months later many attempt of having a formal peace agreement was made between the two Koreas, none of it succeed.  

Why did the two Korean countries cannot be reunite and live as one like before? They’re both Koreans anyway, they have the same Nationality, same History, and same Blood. Why do they allow many people suffer in  passion of war that they created? Is it because of power? A power that many people dreamed of, to lead and control people through their hands?  Is it enough to sacrifice one’s life to get the power that you’ve wanted? Now, think again. 

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